
Younghan Kim

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10EENamhi Kang, Younghan Kim, Jungnam Kwak: H2O: Hierarchically Optimized Hybrid Routing Strategies for Multihop Wireless Networks. ICOIN 2007: 771-780
9EESeunghun Oh, Hoyoung Song, Younghan Kim: Seamless Fast Handover in Mobile IPv4 Using Layer-2 Triggers. ICSNC 2007: 16
8EEKihun Hong, Souhwan Jung, Namhi Kang, Younghan Kim: Integrated Authentication Model for Network Access in Next Generation Networks. IEICE Transactions 90-B(11): 3246-3249 (2007)
7EESihun Park, Namhi Kang, Younghan Kim: Localized Proxy-MIPv6 with Route Optimization in IP-Based Networks. IEICE Transactions 90-B(12): 3682-3686 (2007)
6EENamhi Kang, Younghan Kim: A Short-Lived Key Selection Approach to Authenticate Data Origin of Multimedia Stream. ICCSA (3) 2006: 497-506
5EEMyungsik Yoo, Min-Cheol Hong, Younghan Kim: Receiver-Based Rate Control with One-Way Trip Time for Multimedia Applications. ICOIN 2006: 641-649
4EENamhi Kang, Ilkyun Park, Younghan Kim: Ubiquitous Zone Networking Technologies for Multi-hop Based Wireless Communications. IWSOS/EuroNGI 2006: 233-235
3EENamhi Kang, Seongil Yoo, Younghan Kim, Souhwan Jung, Kihun Hong: Heterogeneous Routing Protocol Coordinator for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. UCS 2006: 384-397
2EESouhwan Jung, Jaeduck Choi, Younghan Kim, Sungi Kim: IPSec Support in NAT-PT Scenario for IPv6 Transition. ISC 2005: 194-202
1EENamhi Kang, Ilkyun Park, Younghan Kim: Secure and Scalable Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. MATA 2005: 334-343

Coauthor Index

1Jaeduck Choi [2]
2Kihun Hong [3] [8]
3Min-Cheol Hong [5]
4Souhwan Jung [2] [3] [8]
5Namhi Kang [1] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [10]
6Sungi Kim [2]
7Jungnam Kwak [10]
8Seunghun Oh [9]
9Ilkyun Park [1] [4]
10Sihun Park [7]
11Hoyoung Song [9]
12Myungsik Yoo [5]
13Seongil Yoo [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)