
W. K. Yeung

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5EEW. K. Yeung, C. W. Chan: On the prediction of genes based on the asymptotic local approach. Int. J. Systems Science 39(3): 251-263 (2008)
4EEW. K. Yeung, Cheong-fat Chan, Chiu-sing Choy, Kong-Pang Pun: Clock recovery circuit with adiabatic technology (quasi-static CMOS logic). ISCAS (2) 2003: 185-187
3EEW. K. Yeung, Ceyda Oguz, T. C. Edwin Cheng: Minimizing Weighted Number of Early and Tardy Jobs with a Common Due Window Involving Location Penalty. Annals OR 108(1-4): 33-54 (2001)
2EEW. K. Yeung, Ceyda Oguz, T. C. Edwin Cheng: Single-machine scheduling with a common due window. Computers & OR 28(2): 157-175 (2001)
1EEC. W. Chan, K. C. Cheung, W. K. Yeung: A computation-efficient on-line training algorithm for neurofuzzy networks. Int. J. System Science 31(3): 297-306 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1C. W. Chan [1] [5]
2Cheong-fat Chan [4]
3T. C. Edwin Cheng [2] [3]
4K. C. Cheung [1]
5Oliver Chiu-sing Choy (Chiu-sing Choy) [4]
6Ceyda Oguz [2] [3]
7Kong-Pang Pun [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)