
B. Yegnanarayana

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38EESachin Joshi, Kishore Prahallad, B. Yegnanarayana: AANN-HMM models for speaker verification and speech recognition. IJCNN 2008: 2681-2688
37EES. Palanivel, B. Yegnanarayana: Multimodal person authentication using speech, face and visual speech. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 109(1): 44-55 (2008)
36EEK. S. R. Murty, B. Yegnanarayana: Epoch Extraction From Speech Signals. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 16(8): 1602-1613 (2008)
35EENaresh P. Cuntoor, B. Yegnanarayana, Rama Chellappa: Activity Modeling Using Event Probability Sequences. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(4): 594-607 (2008)
34EELeena Mary, B. Yegnanarayana: Extraction and representation of prosodic features for language and speaker recognition. Speech Communication 50(10): 782-796 (2008)
33EEN. Dhananjaya, B. Yegnanarayana: Speaker change detection in casual conversations using excitation source features. Speech Communication 50(2): 153-161 (2008)
32 C. Krishna Mohan, B. Yegnanarayana: Edge-based Sports Video Classification using HMM. IICAI 2007: 559-564
31EEK. Sreenivasa Rao, B. Yegnanarayana: Modeling durations of syllables using neural networks. Computer Speech & Language 21(2): 282-295 (2007)
30EEAnil Kumar Sao, B. Yegnanarayana: Face Verification Using Template Matching. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 2(3-2): 636-641 (2007)
29EEAnil Kumar Sao, B. Yegnanarayana, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar: Significance of image representation for face verification. Signal, Image and Video Processing 1(3): 225-237 (2007)
28EEK. Sreenivasa Rao, B. Yegnanarayana: Voice Conversion by Prosody and Vocal Tract Modification. ICIT 2006: 111-116
27EEN. Dhananjaya, B. Yegnanarayana: Correlation-Based Similarity Between Signals for Speaker Verification with Limited Amount of Speech Data. MRCS 2006: 17-25
26EEAnil Kumar Sao, B. Yegnanarayana: Template Matching Approach for Pose Problem in Face Verification. MRCS 2006: 191-198
25EEK. Sreenivasa Rao, B. Yegnanarayana: Prosody modification using instants of significant excitation. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(3): 972-980 (2006)
24EES. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, Cheedella S. Gupta, B. Yegnanarayana: Extraction of speaker-specific excitation information from linear prediction residual of speech. Speech Communication 48(10): 1243-1261 (2006)
23 B. Yegnanarayana: Is Pattern Recognition a Statistical Problem? IICAI 2005: 1
22EESuryakanth V. Gangashetty, C. Chandra Sekhar, B. Yegnanarayana: Spotting Multilingual Consonant-Vowel Units of Speech Using Neural Network Models. NOLISP 2005: 303-317
21EEChunyan Xie, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar, S. Palanivel, B. Yegnanarayana: A Still-to-Video Face Verification System Using Advanced Correlation Filters. ICBA 2004: 102-108
20EEK. Sreenivasa Rao, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, B. Yegnanarayana: Two-Stage Duration Model for Indian Languages Using Neural Networks. ICONIP 2004: 1179-1185
19EEN. Dhananjaya, S. Guruprasad, B. Yegnanarayana: Speaker Segmentation Based on Subsegmental Features and Neural Network Models. ICONIP 2004: 1210-1215
18EEVakkalanka Suresh, C. Krishna Mohan, R. Kumara Swamy, B. Yegnanarayana: Content-Based Video Classification Using Support Vector Machines. ICONIP 2004: 726-731
17EEB. Yegnanarayana, Anil Kumar Sao, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar, Marios Savvides: Determination of Pose Angle of Face using Dynamic Space Warping (DSW). ITCC (1) 2004: 661-664
16EEV. Shiv Naga Prasad, B. Yegnanarayana: Finding axes of symmetry from potential fields. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13(12): 1559-1566 (2004)
15EEAmit A. Kale, Naresh P. Cuntoor, B. Yegnanarayana, A. N. Rajagopalan, Rama Chellappa: Gait Analysis for Human Identification. AVBPA 2003: 706-714
14EEHemant Misra, Shajith Ikbal, B. Yegnanarayana: Speaker-specific mapping for text-independent speaker recognition. Speech Communication 39(3-4): 301-310 (2003)
13 B. S. Venkatesh, S. Palanivel, B. Yegnanarayana: Face Detection, Recognition in an Image Sequence Using Eigenedginess. ICVGIP 2002
12 Vinod Pathangay, B. Yegnanarayana: Use of Vertical Face Profiles for Text Dependent Audio-Visual Biometric Person Authentication. ICVGIP 2002
11EEB. Yegnanarayana, S. P. Kishore: AANN: an alternative to GMM for pattern recognition. Neural Networks 15(3): 459-469 (2002)
10EEP. P. Raghu, B. Yegnanarayana: Supervised texture classification using a probabilistic neural network and constraint satisfaction model. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(3): 516-522 (1998)
9EEManish Sarkar, B. Yegnanarayana, Deepak Khemani: Backpropagation learning algorithms for classification with fuzzy mean square error. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(1): 43-51 (1998)
8EEP. P. Raghu, R. Poongodi, B. Yegnanarayana: Unsupervised texture classification using vector quantization and deterministic relaxation neural network. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(10): 1376-1387 (1997)
7EEP. P. Raghu, B. Yegnanarayana: Multispectral Image Classification Using Gabor Filters and Stochastic Relaxation Neural Network. Neural Networks 10(3): 561-572 (1997)
6EEManish Sarkar, B. Yegnanarayana, Deepak Khemani: A clustering algorithm using an evolutionary programming-based approach. Pattern Recognition Letters 18(10): 975-986 (1997)
5EEP. P. Raghu, B. Yegnanarayana: Segmentation of Gabor-filtered textures using deterministic relaxation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(12): 1625-1636 (1996)
4EEBabu Thomas, B. Yegnanarayana, S. Das: Stereo-correspondence using Gabor logons and neural networks. ICIP 1995: 2386-2389
3EEA. Ravichandran, B. Yegnanarayana: Studies on object recognition from degraded images using neural networks. Neural Networks 8(3): 481-488 (1995)
2EEP. P. Raghu, R. Poongodi, B. Yegnanarayana: A combined neural network approach for texture classification. Neural Networks 8(6): 975-987 (1995)
1EEB. Yegnanarayana, J. M. Naik, D. G. Childers: Voice Simulation: Factors Affecting Quality And Naturalness. COLING 1984: 530-533

Coauthor Index

1Rama Chellappa [15] [35]
2D. G. Childers [1]
3Naresh P. Cuntoor [15] [35]
4S. Das [4]
5N. Dhananjaya [19] [27] [33]
6Suryakanth V. Gangashetty [22]
7Cheedella S. Gupta [24]
8S. Guruprasad [19]
9Shajith Ikbal [14]
10Sachin Joshi [38]
11Amit A. Kale [15]
12Deepak Khemani [6] [9]
13S. P. Kishore [11]
14B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar [17] [21] [29]
15Leena Mary [34]
16Hemant Misra [14]
17C. Krishna Mohan [18] [32]
18K. S. R. Murty [36]
19J. M. Naik [1]
20S. Palanivel [13] [21] [37]
21Vinod Pathangay [12]
22R. Poongodi [2] [8]
23Kishore Prahallad [38]
24V. Shiv Naga Prasad [16]
25S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna [20] [24]
26P. P. Raghu [2] [5] [7] [8] [10]
27A. N. Rajagopalan [15]
28K. Sreenivasa Rao [20] [25] [28] [31]
29A. Ravichandran [3]
30Anil Kumar Sao [17] [26] [29] [30]
31Manish Sarkar [6] [9]
32Marios Savvides [17]
33C. Chandra Sekhar [22]
34Vakkalanka Suresh [18]
35R. Kumara Swamy [18]
36Babu Thomas [4]
37B. S. Venkatesh [13]
38Chunyan Xie [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)