
P. P. Raghu

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5EEP. P. Raghu, B. Yegnanarayana: Supervised texture classification using a probabilistic neural network and constraint satisfaction model. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(3): 516-522 (1998)
4EEP. P. Raghu, R. Poongodi, B. Yegnanarayana: Unsupervised texture classification using vector quantization and deterministic relaxation neural network. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(10): 1376-1387 (1997)
3EEP. P. Raghu, B. Yegnanarayana: Multispectral Image Classification Using Gabor Filters and Stochastic Relaxation Neural Network. Neural Networks 10(3): 561-572 (1997)
2EEP. P. Raghu, B. Yegnanarayana: Segmentation of Gabor-filtered textures using deterministic relaxation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(12): 1625-1636 (1996)
1EEP. P. Raghu, R. Poongodi, B. Yegnanarayana: A combined neural network approach for texture classification. Neural Networks 8(6): 975-987 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1R. Poongodi [1] [4]
2B. Yegnanarayana [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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