2009 |
67 | EE | Zhongjie Wang,
Xiaofei Xu:
Business process integration point classification and the priority evaluation method.
IJBIS 4(2): 210-232 (2009) |
2008 |
66 | EE | Hong-Zhen Zheng,
Dian-Hui Chu,
De-chen Zhan,
Xiaofei Xu:
An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Large Item Sets.
FSKD (2) 2008: 561-564 |
65 | EE | Chengzhu Sun,
Xiaofei Xu,
Xiangyang Li,
Shengchun Deng:
Knowledge Discovery from Virtual Enterprise Model Based on Semantic Annotation.
FSKD (5) 2008: 546-551 |
64 | EE | Quanlong Li,
Luo Yu,
Xiaofei Xu,
Zhijia Zhao:
An Algorithm for Target Localization in Sensor Networks Based on Overlap Area Boundary of Sensor Detection.
ICYCS 2008: 469-474 |
63 | EE | Xiaofei Xu,
Haifeng Li,
Weihua Guo:
A joint multi-country, multi-culture and multi-disciplinary master programme on software engineering plus X.
Summit on Computing Education in China 2008: 7 |
62 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
k-ANMI: A mutual information based clustering algorithm for categorical data.
Information Fusion 9(2): 223-233 (2008) |
61 | EE | Lanshun Nie,
Xiaofei Xu,
De-chen Zhan:
Collaborative Planning in Supply Chains by Lagrangian Relaxation and Genetic Algorithms.
International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 7(1): 183-197 (2008) |
2007 |
60 | | Danish Irfan,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng,
H. K. Sulehria:
Clustering Approach for Fissuring Forrester's Effect.
DMIN 2007: 118-126 |
59 | | Danish Irfan,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng,
Zengyou He:
K-means Clustering - A Survey.
IKE 2007: 190-196 |
58 | EE | Xiaojun Chen,
Yunming Ye,
Graham J. Williams,
Xiaofei Xu:
A Survey of Open Source Data Mining Systems.
PAKDD Workshops 2007: 3-14 |
57 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Attribute Value Weighting in K-Modes Clustering
CoRR abs/cs/0701013: (2007) |
56 | | Zhongjie Wang,
Xiaofei Xu,
De-chen Zhan:
An Extended Feature Modelling Based Component Model for Performance Evaluation.
Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. 4(2): 108-116 (2007) |
55 | EE | Zhongjie Wang,
Xiaofei Xu,
De-chen Zhan:
Agility Evaluation for Component-based Software Systems.
J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 23(6): 1769-1783 (2007) |
2006 |
54 | EE | Yunming Ye,
Yan Li,
Xiaofei Xu,
Joshua Zhexue Huang,
Xiaojun Chen:
MFCRank: A Web Ranking Algorithm Based on Correlation of Multiple Features.
CICLing 2006: 378-388 |
53 | EE | Zhongjie Wang,
De-chen Zhan,
Xiaofei Xu:
Service-Oriented Infrastructure for Collaborative Product Design in ETO Enterprises.
CSCWD 2006: 261-266 |
52 | EE | Zengyou He,
Shengchun Deng,
Xiaofei Xu:
Approximation Algorithms for K-Modes Clustering.
ICIC (2) 2006: 296-302 |
51 | EE | Lanshun Nie,
Xiaofei Xu,
De-chen Zhan:
Collaborative Planning in Supply Chains by Lagrangian Relaxation.
IMSCCS (2) 2006: 314-321 |
50 | EE | Yunming Ye,
Joshua Zhexue Huang,
Xiaojun Chen,
Shuigeng Zhou,
Graham J. Williams,
Xiaofei Xu:
Neighborhood Density Method for Selecting Initial Cluster Centers in K-Means Clustering.
PAKDD 2006: 189-198 |
49 | EE | Zengyou He,
Shengchun Deng,
Xiaofei Xu,
Joshua Zhexue Huang:
A Fast Greedy Algorithm for Outlier Mining.
PAKDD 2006: 567-576 |
48 | EE | Lanshun Nie,
Xiaofei Xu,
De-chen Zhan:
Model for Negotiating Prices and Due Dates with Suppliers in Make-to-Order Supply Chains.
PRIMA 2006: 315-326 |
47 | EE | Zhongjie Wang,
De-chen Zhan,
Xiaofei Xu:
STCIM: a dynamic granularity oriented and stability based component identification method.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(3): 1-14 (2006) |
46 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Improving Categorical Data Clustering Algorithm by Weighting Uncommon Attribute Value Matches.
Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst. 3(1): 23-32 (2006) |
45 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Mining top-k strongly correlated item pairs without minimum correlation threshold.
KES Journal 10(2): 105-112 (2006) |
2005 |
44 | EE | Zengyou He,
Shengchun Deng,
Xiaofei Xu:
Improving K-Modes Algorithm Considering Frequencies of Attribute Values in Mode.
CIS (1) 2005: 157-162 |
43 | EE | Zengyou He,
Shengchun Deng,
Xiaofei Xu:
An FP-Tree Based Approach for Mining All Strongly Correlated Item Pairs.
CIS (1) 2005: 735-740 |
42 | EE | Zhongjie Wang,
Xiaofei Xu,
De-chen Zhan:
A Component Optimization Design Method based on Component Instance Set Decomposition: Decreasing Component Reuse CostExtended-DDF Modeling Embedded System Design: Adapting to IP Technology.
CIT 2005: 836-840 |
41 | EE | Qing Yang,
Lu Su,
Quanlong Li,
Xiaofei Xu:
Cooperative Target Localization Method for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks.
ICCNMC 2005: 13-22 |
40 | EE | Lu Su,
Qing Yang,
Quanlong Li,
Xiaofei Xu:
Coverage Algorithm and Protocol in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks.
ICCNMC 2005: 53-63 |
39 | EE | Fan-Chao Meng,
De-chen Zhan,
Xiaofei Xu:
Business Component Identification of Enterprise Information System: A hierarchical clustering method.
ICEBE 2005: 473-480 |
38 | EE | Zhongjie Wang,
Xiaofei Xu,
De-chen Zhan:
Normal Forms and Normalized Design Method for Business Service.
ICEBE 2005: 79-86 |
37 | EE | Shaowu Cheng,
Xiaofei Xu,
Gang Wang,
Quanlong Li:
An Agile Method of Modeling Business Process Simulation for Virtual Enterprises.
ICEBE 2005: 87-93 |
36 | EE | Zengyou He,
Shengchun Deng,
Xiaofei Xu:
An Optimization Model for Outlier Detection in Categorical Data.
ICIC (1) 2005: 400-409 |
35 | EE | Zhongjie Wang,
Xiaofei Xu,
De-chen Zhan:
A Component Optimization Design Method based on Variation Point Decomposition.
SERA 2005: 399-406 |
34 | EE | Zengyou He,
Shengchun Deng,
Xiaofei Xu:
A Unified Subspace Outlier Ensemble Framework for Outlier Detection.
WAIM 2005: 632-637 |
33 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Data Mining for Actionable Knowledge: A Survey
CoRR abs/cs/0501079: (2005) |
32 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
An Optimization Model for Outlier Detection in Categorical Data
CoRR abs/cs/0503081: (2005) |
31 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
A Unified Subspace Outlier Ensemble Framework for Outlier Detection in High Dimensional Spaces
CoRR abs/cs/0505060: (2005) |
30 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
A Fast Greedy Algorithm for Outlier Mining
CoRR abs/cs/0507065: (2005) |
29 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Clustering Mixed Numeric and Categorical Data: A Cluster Ensemble Approach
CoRR abs/cs/0509011: (2005) |
28 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng,
Bin Dong:
K-Histograms: An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Dataset
CoRR abs/cs/0509033: (2005) |
27 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
K-ANMI: A Mutual Information Based Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Data
CoRR abs/cs/0511013: (2005) |
26 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu:
FP-Outlier: Frequent Pattern Based Outlier Detection.
Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst. 2(1): 103-118 (2005) |
25 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng,
Ronghua Ma:
Mining action rules from scratch.
Expert Syst. Appl. 29(3): 691-699 (2005) |
24 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
A cluster ensemble method for clustering categorical data.
Information Fusion 6(2): 143-151 (2005) |
23 | EE | Oboulhas Conrad Tsahat Onesime,
Xiaofei Xu,
De-chen Zhan:
A Model for Multi-Plant Production Planning Coordination.
Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. 2(3): 177-182 (2005) |
22 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Scalable algorithms for clustering large datasets with mixed type attributes.
Int. J. Intell. Syst. 20(10): 1077-1089 (2005) |
21 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
TCSOM: Clustering Transactions Using Self-Organizing Map.
Neural Processing Letters 22(3): 249-262 (2005) |
2004 |
20 | EE | Zheng Dong,
Xiaofei Xu,
De-chen Zhan:
Viewing the Web as a Cube: The Vision and Approach.
APWeb 2004: 903-906 |
19 | | Zhongjie Wang,
Xiaofei Xu,
De-chen Zhan:
A Reuse-Oriented Business Component Acquisition Method Based on Greatest Common Sub-Process.
SNPD 2004: 201-208 |
18 | EE | Zengyou He,
Joshua Zhexue Huang,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Mining Class Outliers: Concepts, Algorithms and Applications.
WAIM 2004: 589-599 |
17 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Joshua Zhexue Huang,
Shengchun Deng:
A Frequent Pattern Discovery Method for Outlier Detection.
WAIM 2004: 726-732 |
16 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Modeling Complex Higher Order Patterns
CoRR abs/cs/0412018: (2004) |
15 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
A Link Clustering Based Approach for Clustering Categorical Data
CoRR abs/cs/0412019: (2004) |
14 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng,
Joshua Zhexue Huang:
Clustering Categorical Data Streams
CoRR abs/cs/0412058: (2004) |
13 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
A FP-Tree Based Approach for Mining All Strongly Correlated Pairs without Candidate Generation
CoRR cs.DB/0411035: (2004) |
12 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Joshua Zhexue Huang,
Shengchun Deng:
Mining class outliers: concepts, algorithms and applications in CRM.
Expert Syst. Appl. 27(4): 681-697 (2004) |
11 | EE | Jameson Mbale,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Intelligence benevolent tools: A global system automating integration of structured and semistructured sources in one process.
Int. J. Intell. Syst. 19(6): 543-563 (2004) |
10 | EE | Oboulhas Conrad Tsahat Onesime,
Xiaofei Xu,
De-chen Zhan:
A Decision Support System For Supplier Selection Process.
International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 3(3): 453-470 (2004) |
2003 |
9 | EE | Zheng Dong,
Cong Qi,
Xiaofei Xu:
Ontology-Based Intelligent Sensing Action in Golog for Web Service Composition.
GCC (1) 2003: 964-971 |
8 | EE | Jameson Mbale,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Global intelligence benevolent builder (GIBB): a system automating integration of heterogeneous classical databases and web.
Information & Software Technology 45(9): 559-570 (2003) |
7 | EE | Jameson Mbale,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Semantic Similarity of an Object as a Function of the Context (SSOFC) in a Heterogeneous Environment.
Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 12(3): 393-409 (2003) |
6 | EE | Jameson Mbale,
Domenico Ursino,
Xiaofei Xu:
Cyclical Structure Converter (CSC): a System for Handling the Interaction of Structured and Semi-structured Data Sources.
J. UCS 9(5): 423- (2003) |
5 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Discovering cluster-based local outliers.
Pattern Recognition Letters 24(9-10): 1641-1650 (2003) |
2002 |
4 | EE | Zengyou He,
Shengchun Deng,
Xiaofei Xu:
Outlier Detection Integrating Semantic Knowledge.
WAIM 2002: 126-131 |
3 | | Jameson Mbale,
Xiaofei Xu,
Domenico Ursino:
Acquisition of interoperability using intelligent binary schema matching technology.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 17(6): 343-352 (2002) |
2 | EE | Zengyou He,
Xiaofei Xu,
Shengchun Deng:
Squeezer: An Efficient Algorithm for Clustering Categorical Data.
J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 17(5): 611-624 (2002) |
2000 |
1 | EE | Xiaofei Xu,
Ye Dan,
Quanlong Li,
De-chen Zhan:
Dynamic Organization and Methodology for Agile Virtual Enterprises.
J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 15(4): 368-375 (2000) |