
Momiao Xiong

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7EEYanghua Xiao, Hua Dong, Wentao Wu, Momiao Xiong, Wei Wang, Baile Shi: Structure-based graph distance measures of high degree of precision. Pattern Recognition 41(12): 3547-3561 (2008)
6EEQinghua Zhou, Dan Wang, Momiao Xiong: Dynamic flux balance analysis of metabolic networks using the penalty function methods. SMC 2007: 3594-3599
5EEMomiao Xiong, Jinying Zhao, Hao Xiong: Network-based regulatory pathways analysis. Bioinformatics 20(13): 2056-2066 (2004)
4 Hao Xiong, Jun Li, Momiao Xiong: Identification of Differentially Regulated Genetic Network. IC-AI 2003: 444-450
3 Minghe Sun, Momiao Xiong: A Mathematical Programming Approach for Gene Selection and Tissue Classification. Bioinformatics 19(10): 1243-1251 (2003)
2 Li Wuju, Ming Fan, Momiao Xiong: SamCluster: An Integrated Scheme for Automatic Discovery of Sample Classes Using Gene Expression Profile. Bioinformatics 19(7): 811-817 (2003)
1 Li Wuju, Momiao Xiong: Tclass: tumor classification system based on gene expression profile. Bioinformatics 18(2): 325-326 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Hua Dong [7]
2Ming Fan [2]
3Jun Li [4]
4Baile Shi (Bole Shi) [7]
5Minghe Sun [3]
6Dan Wang [6]
7Wei Wang [7]
8Wentao Wu [7]
9Li Wuju [1] [2]
10Yanghua Xiao [7]
11Hao Xiong [4] [5]
12Jinying Zhao [5]
13Qinghua Zhou [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)