
Liu Xin

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6EELiu Xin, Li Wei-dong: Research on the Process of Urbanization Based on the Comparison of China's 35 Major Cities' Urbanization Levels. WKDD 2009: 376-380
5EELiu Xin, Liu Wen-bao, Li Cheng-ming: Qualitative Representation and Reasoning of Combined Direction and Distance Relationships in Three-Dimensional GIS. CSSE (1) 2008: 119-123
4EELiu Xin, Yin Guisheng, Zhang Ziying: Research on Modeling and Simulation of AUV System Based on CTOPN. CSSE (5) 2008: 1127-1130
3EEAnwitaman Datta, Liu Xin: Really Simple Security for P2P Dissemination of Really Simple Syndication. OTM Workshops 2008: 16-17
2EEWang Quanyu, Cao Haifang, Liu Xin: An Internet Robot Tele-operating System. RAM 2008
1EEWu Wei, Liu Xin, Xu Min, Peng Jinrong, Rudy Setiono: A Hybrid SOM-SVM Method for Analyzing Zebra Fish Gene Expression. ICPR (2) 2004: 323-326

Coauthor Index

1Li Cheng-ming [5]
2Anwitaman Datta [3]
3Yin Guisheng [4]
4Cao Haifang [2]
5Peng Jinrong [1]
6Xu Min [1]
7Wang Quanyu [2]
8Rudy Setiono [1]
9Wu Wei [1]
10Li Wei-dong [6]
11Liu Wen-bao [5]
12Zhang Ziying [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)