
Yong Xiao

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17EEYong Xiao, Kah Bin Lim: A prism-based single-lens stereovision system: From trinocular to multi-ocular. Image Vision Comput. 25(11): 1725-1736 (2007)
16EEYanping Yang, QingPing Tan, Yong Xiao, Feng Liu, Jinshan Yu: Transform BPEL Workflow into Hierarchical CP-Nets to Make Tool Support for Verification. APWeb 2006: 275-284
15EEYong Xiao, Kah Bin Lim, Wei Miao Yu: A Prism Based Single-Lens Multi-Ocular Stereo lmage Capture System. MMM 2006: 469-472
14EEYanping Yang, QingPing Tan, Yong Xiao, Jinshan Yu, Feng Liu: Exploiting Hierarchical CP-Nets to Increase the Reliability of Web Services Workflow. SAINT 2006: 116-122
13EEYong Xiao, Xingming Zhou, Kun Deng: Making Power-Efficient Data Value Predictions. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2005: 310-322
12EEYanping Yang, QingPing Tan, Yong Xiao: Verifying Web Services Composition. ER (Workshops) 2005: 354-363
11EEYanping Yang, QingPing Tan, Yong Xiao: Model Transformation Based Verification of Web Services Composition. GCC 2005: 71-76
10EEYanping Yang, QingPing Tan, Yong Xiao: Setup Algorithm of Web Service Composition. ICA3PP 2005: 139-148
9EEYanping Yang, QingPing Tan, Yong Xiao: Verifying web services composition based on hierarchical colored petri nets. IHIS 2005: 47-54
8EEYanping Yang, QingPing Tan, Yong Xiao: Transformation-Driven Development of Composite Web Services. ISPA Workshops 2005: 637-646
7EEYanping Yang, QingPing Tan, Yong Xiao, Jinshan Yu, Feng Liu: Verifying Web Services Composition: A Transformation-Based Approach. PDCAT 2005: 546-548
6EEYong Xiao, Xing-Ming Zhou: Performance Evaluation of Data Value Prediction Schemes. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 20(5): 615-623 (2005)
5EEYong Xiao, Kun Deng, Xingming Zhou: Performance Impact of Different Data Value Predictors. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2004: 414-425
4EEYong Xiao, Kah Bin Lim: A single-lens trinocular stereovision system using a 3F filter. RAM 2004: 396-400
3EEYong Xiao, Kuanyi Zhu: Cross-coupling generalized predictive control for motion systems. ICARCV 2002: 1664-1669
2 Yong Xiao, Amr Sabry, Zena M. Ariola: From Syntactic Theories to Interpreters: Automating the Proof of Unique Decomposition. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 14(4): 387-409 (2001)
1EEYong Xiao, Zena M. Ariola, Michel Mauny: From Syntactic Theories to Interpreters: A Specification Language and Its Compilation CoRR cs.PL/0009030: (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Zena M. Ariola [1] [2]
2Kun Deng [5] [13]
3Kah Bin Lim [4] [15] [17]
4Feng Liu [7] [14] [16]
5Michel Mauny [1]
6Amr Sabry [2]
7QingPing Tan [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [16]
8Yanping Yang [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [16]
9Jinshan Yu [7] [14] [16]
10Wei Miao Yu [15]
11Xing-Ming Zhou [6]
12Xingming Zhou [5] [13]
13Kuanyi Zhu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)