
Zhonghang Xia

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22EEFang-Xiang Wu, Zhonghang Xia, Lei Mu: Finding Significantly Expressed genes from time-course expression profiles. IJBRA 5(1): 50-63 (2009)
21EEManghui Tu, Zhonghang Xia, Peng Li, Nasser Tadayon: Allocation of partitioned data by using a neural network based approach. Neurocomputing 72(4-6): 1000-1011 (2009)
20EEQi Li, Zhonghang Xia: Detecting image points of diverse imbalance. ICIP 2008: 2592-2595
19EEWei Hao, Jicheng Fu, I-Ling Yen, Zhonghang Xia: A Novel PSO-MP Approach for Database Replications at Edge Servers. ICTAI (2) 2008: 291-298
18 Manghui Tu, Nasser Tadayon, Zhonghang Xia, Enyue Lu: A Scalable Update Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Data Grids. PDPTA 2008: 826-832
17EEYulin Dong, Zhonghang Xia, Zunquan Xia: A two-level approach to choose the cost parameter in support vector machines. Expert Syst. Appl. 34(2): 1366-1370 (2008)
16EEZhonghang Xia, Guangming Xing, Qi Li: A multidimensional scaling approach for representing XML documents. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2007: 111-115
15EEGuangming Xing, Zhonghang Xia, Douglas Ayers: X2R: a system for managing XML documents and key constraints using RDBMS. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2007: 215-220
14EEGuangming Xing, Zhonghang Xia, Jinhua Guo: Clustering XML Documents Based on Structural Similarity. DASFAA 2007: 905-911
13EEManghui Tu, Nasser Tadayon, Zhonghang Xia, Enyue Lu: A Secure and Scalable Update Protocol for P2P Data Grids. HASE 2007: 423-424
12EEGuangming Xing, Zhonghang Xia, Andrew Ernest: Building automatic mapping between XML documents using approximate tree matching. SAC 2007: 525-526
11EEPeng Li, Manghui Tu, I-Ling Yen, Zhonghang Xia: Preference update for e-commerce applications: Model, language, and processing. Electronic Commerce Research 7(1): 17-44 (2007)
10EEZhonghang Xia, Wei Hao, I-Ling Yen: A distributed integrated request processing algorithm for QoS assurance in large-scale media-based systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 67(7): 863-875 (2007)
9EEZhonghang Xia, Yulin Dong, Guangming Xing: Support vector machines for collaborative filtering. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 169-174
8EEGuangming Xing, Jinhua Guo, Zhonghang Xia: Classifying XML Documents Based on Structure/Content Similarity. INEX 2006: 444-457
7EEGuangming Xing, Chaitanya R. Malla, Zhonghang Xia, Snigdha Dantala Venkata: Computing edit distances between an XML document and a schema and its application in document classification. SAC 2006: 831-835
6EEZhonghang Xia, I-Ling Yen, Donglei Du, Peng Li: An integrated admission control scheme for the delivery of streaming media. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(3): 334-344 (2006)
5 Peng Li, Zhonghang Xia, Manghui Tu, I-Ling Yen: M3-Update: A New Update Model for E-Commerce and Web-Based Applications. I. J. Comput. Appl. 12(3): 152-162 (2005)
4EEZhonghang Xia, Wei Hao, I-Ling Yen, Peng Li: A Distributed Admission Control Model for QoS Assurance in Large-Scale Media Delivery Systems. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 16(12): 1143-1153 (2005)
3 Zhonghang Xia, I-Ling Yen: Proxy assistant for streaming media delivery. ICME 2004: 1331-1334
2EEZhonghang Xia, Peng Li, I-Ling Yen: A Neural Network Based Approach for Overlay Multicast in Media Streaming Systems. IPDPS 2004
1 Peng Li, I-Ling Yen, Zhonghang Xia: M3TAgent : A Transaction Processing System for B2C E-Commerce. IKE 2003: 186-192

Coauthor Index

1Douglas Ayers [15]
2Yulin Dong [9] [17]
3Donglei Du [6]
4Andrew Ernest [12]
5Jicheng Fu [19]
6Jinhua Guo [8] [14]
7Wei Hao [4] [10] [19]
8Peng Li [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [11] [21]
9Qi Li [16] [20]
10Enyue Lu [13] [18]
11Chaitanya R. Malla [7]
12Lei Mu [22]
13Nasser Tadayon [13] [18] [21]
14Manghui Tu [5] [11] [13] [18] [21]
15Snigdha Dantala Venkata [7]
16Fang-Xiang Wu [22]
17Zunquan Xia [17]
18Guangming Xing [7] [8] [9] [12] [14] [15] [16]
19I-Ling Yen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [10] [11] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)