
Geoff Wyvill

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21EEJeppe Revall Frisvad, Geoff Wyvill: Fast high-quality noise. GRAPHITE 2007: 243-248
20EEAlexis Angelidis, Geoff Wyvill, Marie-Paule Cani: Sweepers: Swept deformation defined by gesture. Graphical Models 68(1): 2-14 (2006)
19EEAlexis Angelidis, Marie-Paule Cani, Geoff Wyvill, Scott A. King: Swirling-sweepers: Constant-volume modeling. Graphical Models 68(4): 324-332 (2006)
18EEAlexis Angelidis, Geoff Wyvill: Animated Sweepers: Keyframed Swept Deformations. Computer Graphics International 2004: 320-326
17EEGeoff Wyvill, Dimitri Anson: Extracting Measurements from Existing Photographs of Ancient Pottery. Computer Graphics International 2004: 614-617
16EEAlexis Angelidis, Marie-Paule Cani, Geoff Wyvill, Scott A. King: Swirling-Sweepers: Constant-Volume Modeling. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2004: 10-15
15EEAlexis Angelidis, Geoff Wyvill, Marie-Paule Cani: Sweepers: Swept User-Defined Tools for Modeling by Deformation. SMI 2004: 63-73
14EEPhilip McLeod, Geoff Wyvill: Visualization of Musical Pitch. Computer Graphics International 2003: 300-305
13EEMarco Attene, Bianca Falcidieno, Michela Spagnuolo, Geoff Wyvill: A mapping-independent primitive for the triangulation of parametric surfaces. Graphical Models 65(5): 260-273 (2003)
12EEMarco Attene, Bianca Falcidieno, Michela Spagnuolo, Geoff Wyvill: Mapping Independent Triangulation of Parametric Surfaces. Shape Modeling International 2002: 67-74
11EEDavid Mason, Geoff Wyvill: Blendeforming: Ray Traceable Localized Foldover-Free Space Deformation. Computer Graphics International 2001: 183-192
10EEMichael Treadgold, Kevin Novins, Geoff Wyvill, Brian Niven: What Do You Think You're Doing? Measuring Perception in Fish Tank Virtual Reality. Computer Graphics International 2001: 325-328
9EEGeoff Wyvill, Chris C. Handley: The 'Thermodynamics' of Shape. Shape Modeling International 2001: 2-
8EEWolfgang Seibold, Geoff Wyvill: Towards an Understanding of Surfaces through Polygonization. Computer Graphics International 1998: 416-425
7EEGeoff Wyvill: The Virtual Display Case. Computer Graphics International 1997: 200-204
6EEGeorge Sealy, Geoff Wyvill: Smoothing Of Three Dimensional Models By Convolution. Computer Graphics International 1996: 184-190
5 Brian Wyvill, Geoff Wyvill: Field functions for implicit surfaces. The Visual Computer 5(1&2): 75-82 (1989)
4 John G. Cleary, Geoff Wyvill: Analysis of an algorithm for fast ray tracing using uniform space subdivision. The Visual Computer 4(2): 65-83 (1988)
3 Geoff Wyvill, Craig McPheeters, Brian Wyvill: Data structure for soft objects. The Visual Computer 2(4): 227-234 (1986)
2 Brian Wyvill, Craig McPheeters, Geoff Wyvill: Animating soft objects. The Visual Computer 2(4): 235-242 (1986)
1 Geoff Wyvill, Tosiyasu L. Kunii: A functional model for constructive solid geometry. The Visual Computer 1(1): 3-14 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Alexis Angelidis [15] [16] [18] [19] [20]
2Dimitri Anson [17]
3Marco Attene [12] [13]
4Marie-Paule Cani [15] [16] [19] [20]
5John G. Cleary [4]
6Bianca Falcidieno [12] [13]
7Jeppe Revall Frisvad [21]
8Chris C. Handley [9]
9Scott A. King [16] [19]
10Tosiyasu L. Kunii [1]
11David Mason [11]
12Philip McLeod [14]
13Craig McPheeters [2] [3]
14Brian Niven [10]
15Kevin Novins [10]
16George Sealy [6]
17Wolfgang Seibold [8]
18Michela Spagnuolo [12] [13]
19Michael Treadgold [10]
20Brian Wyvill [2] [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)