
C. Thomas Wu

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8 Yutaka Kanayama, C. Thomas Wu: It's Time to Make Mobile Robots Programmable. ICRA 2000: 329-334
7 David K. Hsiao, Magdi N. Kamel, C. Thomas Wu: The Federated Databases and System: A New Generation of Advanced Database Systems. DEXA 1990: 186-190
6 C. Thomas Wu, David K. Hsiao: Implementation of Visual Database Interface Using an Object-Oriented Language. VDB 1989: 105-125
5 Klaus Meyer-Wegener, Vincent Y. Lum, C. Thomas Wu: Image Management in a Multimedia Database System. VDB 1989: 497-523
4 Vincent Y. Lum, C. Thomas Wu, David K. Hsiao: Integrating Advanced Techniques into Multimedia DBMS. DS-3 1988: 169-191
3EEMajor Dana E. Madison, C. Thomas Wu: An Expert System Interface and Data Requirements for the Integrated Product Design and Manufacturing Process. ICDE 1987: 610-618
2EEC. Thomas Wu, Walter A. Burkhard: Associative Searching in Multiple Storage Units. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 12(1): 38-64 (1987)
1 C. Thomas Wu: Data Organization Method for the Parallel Execution of Relational Operations. FODO 1985: 529-538

Coauthor Index

1Walter A. Burkhard [2]
2David K. Hsiao [4] [6] [7]
3Magdi N. Kamel [7]
4Yutaka Kanayama [8]
5Vincent Y. Lum [4] [5]
6Major Dana E. Madison [3]
7Klaus Meyer-Wegener [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)