
Bogdan Wiszniewski

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16EEDariusz Dalecki, Jacek Lebiedz, Krzysztof Mieloszyk, Bogdan Wiszniewski: Efficiency of Interactive Terrain Visualization with a PC-Cluster. PPAM 2007: 391-399
15EEMagdalena Slawiñska, Bogdan Wiszniewski: Determining Consistent States of Distributed Objects Participating in a Remote Method Call. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2005: 355-363
14EEJacek Lebiedz, Krzysztof Mieloszyk, Bogdan Wiszniewski: Real Terrain Visualisation with a Distributed PC-Cluster. PPAM 2005: 349-356
13EEApostolos Antonacopoulos, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Henryk Krawczyk, Bogdan Wiszniewski: The lifecycle of a digital historical document: structure and content. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2004: 147-154
12 Bogdan Wiszniewski, Krzysztof Mieloszyk: Component Based Flight Simulation in DIS Systems. DAPSYS 2004: 173-181
11EEHenryk Krawczyk, Bogdan Wiszniewski: Digital document life cycle development. ISICT 2003: 255-260
10EETomasz Orlowski, Bogdan Wiszniewski: Stepwise Development of Distributed Interactive Simulation Systems. PPAM 2003: 489-496
9EELukasz Garstecki, Pawel Kaczmarek, Jacques Chassin de Kergommeaux, Henryk Krawczyk, Bogdan Wiszniewski: Testing for Conformance of Parallel Programming Pattern Languages. PPAM 2001: 323-330
8 Bogdan Wiszniewski: Testable Environments of Distributed Objects. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 19(6): (2000)
7 Henryk Krawczyk, Bogdan Wiszniewski, Piotr Kuzora, Marcin Neyman, Jerzy Proficz: Integrated Static and Dynamic Analysis of PVM Programs with STEPS. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 17(5): (1998)
6EEJoão Lourenço, José C. Cunha, Henryk Krawczyk, Piotr Kuzora, Marcin Neyman, Bogdan Wiszniewski: An integrated testing and debugging environment for parallel and distributed programs. EUROMICRO 1997: 291-
5 Henryk Krawczyk, Bogdan Wiszniewski: Implementation Problems of Distributed Voting Schemes in the PVM Environment. Euro-PDS 1997: 277-282
4EEHenryk Krawczyk, Bogdan Wiszniewski: Object-Oriented Model of Parallel Programs . PDP 1996: 80-86
3 Henryk Krawczyk, Bogdan Wiszniewski: Interactive testing tool for parallel programs. Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems 1996: 98-109
2 Lee J. White, Bogdan Wiszniewski: Path Testing of Computer Programs with Loops Using a Tool for Simple Loop Patterns. Softw., Pract. Exper. 21(10): 1075-1102 (1991)
1EEKrzysztof Kuchcinski, Bogdan Wiszniewski: Path analysis of distributed programs. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1988: 320-328

Coauthor Index

1Apostolos Antonacopoulos [13]
2José C. Cunha [6]
3Dariusz Dalecki [16]
4Lukasz Garstecki [9]
5Pawel Kaczmarek [9]
6Dimosthenis Karatzas [13]
7Jacques Chassin de Kergommeaux [9]
8Henryk Krawczyk [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [11] [13]
9Krzysztof Kuchcinski [1]
10Piotr Kuzora [6] [7]
11Jacek Lebiedz [14] [16]
12João Lourenço [6]
13Krzysztof Mieloszyk [12] [14] [16]
14Marcin Neyman [6] [7]
15Tomasz Orlowski [10]
16Jerzy Proficz [7]
17Magdalena Slawiñska [15]
18Lee J. White [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)