
Anthony Wirth

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14EETom Coleman, Anthony Wirth: Ranking Tournaments: Local Search and a New Algorithm. ALENEX 2008: 133-141
13EEXiaozhe Wang, Liang Wang, Anthony Wirth: Pattern discovery in motion time series via structure-based spectral clustering. CVPR 2008
12EETom Coleman, James Saunderson, Anthony Wirth: A Local-Search 2-Approximation for 2-Correlation-Clustering. ESA 2008: 308-319
11EETom Coleman, James Saunderson, Anthony Wirth: Spectral clustering with inconsistent advice. ICML 2008: 152-159
10EERanjan Sinha, Anthony Wirth: Engineering Burstsort: Towards Fast In-Place String Sorting. WEA 2008: 14-27
9EEXiaozhe Wang, Anthony Wirth, Liang Wang: Structure-Based Statistical Features and Multivariate Time Series Clustering. ICDM 2007: 351-360
8EEMichael Bertolacci, Anthony Wirth: Are approximation algorithms for consensus clustering worthwhile?. SDM 2007
7EEAnthony Wirth, Michael Bertolacci: New algorithms research for first year students. ITiCSE 2006: 128-132
6EEInge Li Gørtz, Anthony Wirth: Asymmetry in k-center variants. Theor. Comput. Sci. 361(2-3): 188-199 (2006)
5EEMoses Charikar, Venkatesan Guruswami, Anthony Wirth: Clustering with qualitative information. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 71(3): 360-383 (2005)
4EEMoses Charikar, Anthony Wirth: Maximizing Quadratic Programs: Extending Grothendieck's Inequality. FOCS 2004: 54-60
3EEMoses Charikar, Venkatesan Guruswami, Anthony Wirth: Clustering with Qualitative Information. FOCS 2003: 524-533
2EEInge Li Gørtz, Anthony Wirth: Asymmetry in k-Center Variants. RANDOM-APPROX 2003: 59-70
1 Amit Chakrabarti, Yaoyun Shi, Anthony Wirth, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao: Informational Complexity and the Direct Sum Problem for Simultaneous Message Complexity. FOCS 2001: 270-278

Coauthor Index

1Michael Bertolacci [7] [8]
2Amit Chakrabarti [1]
3Moses Charikar [3] [4] [5]
4Tom Coleman [11] [12] [14]
5Inge Li Gørtz [2] [6]
6Venkatesan Guruswami [3] [5]
7James Saunderson [11] [12]
8Yaoyun Shi [1]
9Ranjan Sinha [10]
10Liang Wang [9] [13]
11Xiaozhe Wang [9] [13]
12Andrew Chi-Chih Yao [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)