
Yaoyun Shi

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19EEYaoyun Shi: Quantum Algorithm for the Parity Problem. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
18EEYaoyun Shi, Zhiqiang Zhang: Communication Complexities of XOR functions CoRR abs/0808.1762: (2008)
17EEYaoyun Shi, Yufan Zhu: Tensor Norms and the Classical Communication Complexity of Nonlocal Quantum Measurement. SIAM J. Comput. 38(3): 753-766 (2008)
16EEIgor L. Markov, Yaoyun Shi: Simulating Quantum Computation by Contracting Tensor Networks. SIAM J. Comput. 38(3): 963-981 (2008)
15EEYe Du, Yaoyun Shi, Xin Zhao: Using Spam Farm to Boost PageRank. AIRWeb 2007
14EEIgor L. Markov, Yaoyun Shi: Constant-degree graph expansions that preserve the treewidth CoRR abs/0707.3622: (2007)
13EEWei Huang, Yaoyun Shi, Shengyu Zhang, Yufan Zhu: The communication complexity of the Hamming distance problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 99(4): 149-153 (2006)
12EEYaoyun Shi: Tensor norms and the classical communication complexity of nonlocal quantum measurement. STOC 2005: 460-467
11EEYaoyun Shi: Quantum and classical tradeoffs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 344(2-3): 335-345 (2005)
10EEYaoyun Shi: Quantum and Classical Tradeoffs Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(023): (2004)
9EEScott Aaronson, Yaoyun Shi: Quantum lower bounds for the collision and the element distinctness problems. J. ACM 51(4): 595-605 (2004)
8EEYaoyun Shi: Quantum Lower Bounds for the Collision and the Element Distinctness Problems. FOCS 2002: 513-519
7EEPeter Høyer, Jan Neerbek, Yaoyun Shi: Quantum Complexities of Ordered Searching, Sorting, and Element Distinctness. Algorithmica 34(4): 429-448 (2002)
6EEYaoyun Shi: Entropy lower bounds for quantum decision tree complexity. Inf. Process. Lett. 81(1): 23-27 (2002)
5 Amit Chakrabarti, Yaoyun Shi, Anthony Wirth, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao: Informational Complexity and the Direct Sum Problem for Simultaneous Message Complexity. FOCS 2001: 270-278
4EEPeter Høyer, Jan Neerbek, Yaoyun Shi: Quantum Complexities of Ordered Searching, Sorting, and Element Distinctness. ICALP 2001: 346-357
3EEAmit Chakrabarti, Subhash Khot, Yaoyun Shi: Evasiveness of Subgraph Containment and Related Properties. STACS 2001: 110-120
2EEAmit Chakrabarti, Subhash Khot, Yaoyun Shi: Evasiveness of Subgraph Containment and Related Properties. SIAM J. Comput. 31(3): 866-875 (2001)
1EEYaoyun Shi: Lower bounds of quantum black-box complexity and degree of approximating polynomials by influence of Boolean variables. Inf. Process. Lett. 75(1-2): 79-83 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Scott Aaronson [9]
2Amit Chakrabarti [2] [3] [5]
3Ye Du [15]
4Peter Høyer [4] [7]
5Wei Huang [13]
6Subhash Khot [2] [3]
7Igor L. Markov [14] [16]
8Jan Neerbek [4] [7]
9Anthony Wirth [5]
10Andrew Chi-Chih Yao [5]
11Shengyu Zhang [13]
12Zhiqiang Zhang [18]
13Xin Zhao [15]
14Yufan Zhu [13] [17]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)