
Stefan Winkler

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20EEBingbing Ni, Ashraf A. Kassim, Stefan Winkler: A Hybrid Framework for 3-D Human Motion Tracking. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 18(8): 1075-1084 (2008)
19EEZhiYing Zhou, Jefry Tedjokusumo, Stefan Winkler, Bingbing Ni: User Studies of a Multiplayer First Person Shooting Game with Tangible and Physical Interaction. HCI (14) 2007: 738-747
18EEPeng Song, Stefan Winkler, Jefry Tedjokusumo: A Tangible Game Interface Using Projector-Camera Systems. HCI (2) 2007: 956-965
17EEStefan Winkler, Karthik Rangaswamy, ZhiYing Zhou: Intuitive Map Navigation on Mobile Devices. HCI (6) 2007: 605-614
16EEPeng Song, Stefan Winkler, Syed Omer Gilani, ZhiYing Zhou: Vision-Based Projected Tabletop Interface for Finger Interactions. ICCV-HCI 2007: 49-58
15EEStefan Winkler, Karthik Rangaswamy, Jefry Tedjokusumo, ZhiYing Zhou: Intuitive application-specific user interfaces for mobile devices. Mobility Conference 2007: 576-582
14EEStefan Winkler: Information Flow Between Requirement Artifacts. Results of an Empirical Study. REFSQ 2007: 232-246
13 Stefan Winkler: Informationsfluss zwischen Anforderungsdokumenten - Auswertung einer empirischen Umfrage. Software Engineering 2007: 267-270
12EEBingbing Ni, Stefan Winkler, Ashraf A. Kassim: Articulated Object Registration Using Simulated Physical Force/Moment for 3D Human Motion Tracking. Workshop on Human Motion 2007: 212-224
11EERoland Zimmermann, Stefan Winkler, Freimut Bodendorf: Agent-Based Supply Chain Event Management - Concept and Assessment. HICSS 2006
10EEStefan Winkler, Christof Faller: Perceived Audiovisual Quality of Low-Bitrate Multimedia Content. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 8(5): 973-980 (2006)
9 Stefan Winkler, Roland Zimmermann, Freimut Bodendorf: An Agent-based Information Logistics Architecture for Process Management. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 745-751
8 Andrea Cavallaro, Stefan Winkler: Segmentation-driven perceptual quality metrics. ICIP 2004: 3543-3546
7 Stefan Winkler, Frédéric Dufaux: Video quality evaluation for mobile streaming applications. VCIP 2003: 593-603
6 Pina Marziliano, Frédéric Dufaux, Stefan Winkler, Touradj Ebrahimi: A no-reference perceptual blur metric. ICIP (3) 2002: 57-60
5EEStefan Winkler, Elisa Drelie Gelasca, Touradj Ebrahimi: Perceptual Quality Assesment for Video Watermarking. ITCC 2002: 90-94
4EEMartin Kutter, Stefan Winkler: A vision-based masking model for spread-spectrum image watermarking. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 11(1): 16-25 (2002)
3 Ann M. Rohaly, Philip J. Corriveau, John M. Libert, Arthur A. Webster, Vittorio Baroncini, John Beerends, Jean-Louis Blin, Laura Contin, Takahiro Hamada, David Harrison, Andries P. Hekstra, Jeffrey Lubin, Yukihiro Nishida, Ricardo Nishihara, John C. Pearson, Antonio F. Pessoa, Neil Pickford, Alexander Schertz, Massimo Visca, Andrew B. Watson, Stefan Winkler: Video Quality Experts Group: current results and future directions. VCIP 2000: 742-753
2 Stefan Winkler, Pierre Vandergheynst: Computing Isotropic Local Contrast from Oriented Pyramid Decompositions. ICIP (4) 1999: 420-424
1 Stefan Winkler: A Perceptual Distortion Metric for Digital Color Images. ICIP (3) 1998: 399-403

Coauthor Index

1Vittorio Baroncini [3]
2John Beerends [3]
3Jean-Louis Blin [3]
4Freimut Bodendorf [9] [11]
5Andrea Cavallaro [8]
6Laura Contin [3]
7Philip J. Corriveau [3]
8Frédéric Dufaux [6] [7]
9Touradj Ebrahimi [5] [6]
10Christof Faller [10]
11Elisa Drelie Gelasca [5]
12Syed Omer Gilani [16]
13Takahiro Hamada [3]
14David Harrison [3]
15Andries P. Hekstra [3]
16Ashraf A. Kassim [12] [20]
17Martin Kutter [4]
18John M. Libert [3]
19Jeffrey Lubin [3]
20Pina Marziliano [6]
21Bingbing Ni [12] [19] [20]
22Yukihiro Nishida [3]
23Ricardo Nishihara [3]
24John C. Pearson [3]
25Antonio F. Pessoa [3]
26Neil Pickford [3]
27Karthik Rangaswamy [15] [17]
28Ann M. Rohaly [3]
29Alexander Schertz [3]
30Peng Song [16] [18]
31Jefry Tedjokusumo [15] [18] [19]
32Pierre Vandergheynst [2]
33Massimo Visca [3]
34Andrew B. Watson [3]
35Arthur A. Webster [3]
36ZhiYing Zhou [15] [16] [17] [19]
37Roland Zimmermann [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)