
Massimo Visca

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2 Ann M. Rohaly, Philip J. Corriveau, John M. Libert, Arthur A. Webster, Vittorio Baroncini, John Beerends, Jean-Louis Blin, Laura Contin, Takahiro Hamada, David Harrison, Andries P. Hekstra, Jeffrey Lubin, Yukihiro Nishida, Ricardo Nishihara, John C. Pearson, Antonio F. Pessoa, Neil Pickford, Alexander Schertz, Massimo Visca, Andrew B. Watson, Stefan Winkler: Video Quality Experts Group: current results and future directions. VCIP 2000: 742-753
1 Massimo Gunetti, Paola Sunna, Massimo Visca: Video Quality and Bit Rates in Thematic Television Channels. ECMAST 1998: 439-452

Coauthor Index

1Vittorio Baroncini [2]
2John Beerends [2]
3Jean-Louis Blin [2]
4Laura Contin [2]
5Philip J. Corriveau [2]
6Massimo Gunetti [1]
7Takahiro Hamada [2]
8David Harrison [2]
9Andries P. Hekstra [2]
10John M. Libert [2]
11Jeffrey Lubin [2]
12Yukihiro Nishida [2]
13Ricardo Nishihara [2]
14John C. Pearson [2]
15Antonio F. Pessoa [2]
16Neil Pickford [2]
17Ann M. Rohaly [2]
18Alexander Schertz [2]
19Paola Sunna [1]
20Andrew B. Watson [2]
21Arthur A. Webster [2]
22Stefan Winkler [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)