
Michael D. Wilson

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2EEAdomas Svirskas, Michael D. Wilson, Alvaro E. Arenas, Emil C. Lupu, Nilufer Tuptuk, David Chadwick, Pablo Giambiagi, Theodosis Dimitrakos, Bob Roberts: Aspects of Trusted and Secure Business-Oriented VO Management in Service Oriented Architectures. CEC Workshops 2005: 3-11
1EEMichael D. Wilson, Todd Holoubek, Ann Poochareon: Multi-user performance of Commedia dell' Arte in 3D. SIGGRAPH 2003

Coauthor Index

1Álvaro Enrique Arenas (Alvaro E. Arenas, Alvaro Arenas) [2]
2David Chadwick [2]
3Theodosis Dimitrakos [2]
4Pablo Giambiagi [2]
5Todd Holoubek [1]
6Emil C. Lupu (Emil Lupu) [2]
7Ann Poochareon [1]
8Bob Roberts [2]
9Adomas Svirskas [2]
10Nilufer Tuptuk [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)