
Adomas Svirskas

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11EEIoannis Ignatiadis, Dimitrios Tektonidis, Adomas Svirskas, Jonathan Briggs, Stamatia-Ann Katriou, Adamantios Koumpis: A Service Oriented and Agent-Based Architecture for the e-Collaboration of SMEs. II3E 2008: 125-137
10EEAdomas Svirskas, Jelena Isachenkova, Refik Molva: Towards secure and trusted collaboration environment for European public sector. CollaborateCom 2007: 49-56
9EEAdomas Svirskas, Carine Courbis, Refik Molva, Justinas Bedzinskas: Compliance Proofs for Collaborative Interactions using Aspect-Oriented Approach. IEEE SCW 2007: 33-40
8EEIoannis Ignatiadis, Jonathan Briggs, Adomas Svirskas, Kostas Bougiouklis, Adamantios Koumpis: Introducing A Collaborative Business Model For European Erp Value Chains Of Smes. Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2007: 505-512
7 Adomas Svirskas, Michael Wilson, Bob Roberts, Ioannis Ignatiadis: Adaptive Support of Inter-Domain Collaborative Protocols using Web Services and Software Agents. DB&IS 2006: 233-248
6EEAdomas Svirskas, Justinas Bedzinskas, Bob Roberts, Ioannis Ignatiadis, Michael Wilson: Adaptive Business Protocol Support in Service Oriented B2B Collaborations. WETICE 2006: 261-262
5EEIoannis Ignatiadis, Adomas Svirskas, Bob Roberts, Konstantinos A. Tarabanis: Promoting trust in B2B virtual organisations through business and technological infrastructures. IJNVO 3(4): 395-411 (2006)
4EEAdomas Svirskas, Bob Roberts, Michael Wilson: Towards the architecture of managed dynamic virtual organisations for e-business communities. IJWBC 2(2): 197-222 (2006)
3EEAdomas Svirskas, Michael D. Wilson, Alvaro E. Arenas, Emil C. Lupu, Nilufer Tuptuk, David Chadwick, Pablo Giambiagi, Theodosis Dimitrakos, Bob Roberts: Aspects of Trusted and Secure Business-Oriented VO Management in Service Oriented Architectures. CEC Workshops 2005: 3-11
2 Bob Roberts, Adomas Svirskas: Dynamic Management of Business Service Quality in Collaborative Commerce Systems. I3E 2003: 89-101
1 Adomas Svirskas, Bob Roberts: Towards business quality of service in virtual organizations through service level agreements and ebXML. ISPE CE 2003: 491-498

Coauthor Index

1Álvaro Enrique Arenas (Alvaro E. Arenas, Alvaro Arenas) [3]
2Justinas Bedzinskas [6] [9]
3Kostas Bougiouklis [8]
4Jonathan Briggs [8] [11]
5David Chadwick [3]
6Carine Courbis [9]
7Theodosis Dimitrakos [3]
8Pablo Giambiagi [3]
9Ioannis Ignatiadis [5] [6] [7] [8] [11]
10Jelena Isachenkova [10]
11Stamatia-Ann Katriou [11]
12Adamantios Koumpis [8] [11]
13Emil C. Lupu (Emil Lupu) [3]
14Refik Molva [9] [10]
15Bob Roberts [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
16Konstantinos A. Tarabanis [5]
17Dimitrios Tektonidis [11]
18Nilufer Tuptuk [3]
19Michael Wilson [4] [6] [7]
20Michael D. Wilson [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)