
Andrew B. Williams

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10EEAndrew B. Williams, David S. Touretzky, Ethan J. Tira-Thompson, LaVonne Manning, Chutima Boonthum, Clement S. Allen: Introducing an experimental cognitive robotics curriculum at historically black colleges and universities. SIGCSE 2008: 498-502
9EEAndrew B. Williams, Anand Padmanabhan, M. Brian Blake: Experimentation with Local Consensus Ontologies with Implications for Automated Service Composition. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 17(7): 969-981 (2005)
8EEAndrew B. Williams: Learning to Share Meaning in a Multi-Agent System. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 8(2): 165-193 (2004)
7EEJohn R. Lee, Andrew B. Williams: Behavior development through task oriented discourse. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 15(3-4): 327-337 (2004)
6EEAndrew B. Williams, Anand Padmanabhan, M. Brian Blake: Local consensus ontologies for B2B-oriented service composition. AAMAS 2003: 647-654
5 M. Brian Blake, Andrew B. Williams: Developmental and Operational Processes for Agent-Oriented Database Navigation for Knowledge Discovery. SEKE 2003: 216-223
4EEAndrew B. Williams, Todd A. Krygowski, George Thomas: Using agents to reach an ontology consensus. AAMAS 2002: 990-991
3EEAndrew B. Williams, Zijian Ren: Agents teaching agents to share meaning. Agents 2001: 465-472
2 Andrew B. Williams, Todd A. Krygowski, Thomas L. Casavant: I-DOCS: Distributed Agent-Assisted Knowledge Fusion for Disease Gene Discovery. ICPADS 2001: 698-705
1EEAndrew B. Williams, Costas Tsatsoulis: An Instance-based Approach for Identifying Candidate Ontology Relations within a Multi-Agent System. ECAI Workshop on Ontology Learning 2000

Coauthor Index

1Clement S. Allen [10]
2M. Brian Blake [5] [6] [9]
3Chutima Boonthum [10]
4Thomas L. Casavant [2]
5Todd A. Krygowski [2] [4]
6John R. Lee [7]
7LaVonne Manning [10]
8Anand Padmanabhan [6] [9]
9Zijian Ren [3]
10George Thomas [4]
11Ethan J. Tira-Thompson [10]
12David S. Touretzky [10]
13Costas Tsatsoulis [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)