
Rafael Wiemker

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10 Rafael Wiemker, Thomas Blaffert, Thomas Bülow, Steffen Renisch, Cristian Lorenz: Automated assessment of bronchial lumen, wall thickness and bronchoarterial diameter ratio of the tracheobronchial tree using high-resolution CT. CARS 2004: 967-972
9 Rafael Wiemker, Patrick Rogalla, Eike Hein, Thomas Blaffert, Peter Rösch: Computer aided segmentation of pulmonary nodules: automated vasculature cutoff in thin- and thickslice CT. CARS 2003: 965-970
8 Sabine Dippel, Martin Stahl, Rafael Wiemker, Thomas Blaffert: Multiscale contrast enhancement for radiographies: Laplacian pyramid vs. fast wavelet transform. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(4): 343-353 (2002)
7 Rafael Wiemker, Vladimir Pekar: Fast computation of isosurface contour spectra for volume visualization. CARS 2001: 389-394
6 Rafael Wiemker, André Zwartkruis: Optimal thresholding for 3D segmentation of pulmonary nodules in high resolution CT. CARS 2001: 653-658
5EEVladimir Pekar, Rafael Wiemker, Daniel Hempel: Fast Detection of Meaningful Isosurfaces for Volume Data Visualization. IEEE Visualization 2001
4 Thomas Blaffert, Sabine Dippel, Martin Stahl, Rafael Wiemker: The Laplace Integral for a Watershed Segmentation. ICIP 2000
3 Sabine Dippel, Martin Stahl, Til Aach, Thorsten M. Buzug, Rafael Wiemker, Ulrich Neitzel, Edward Müller, Jean P. Haas: Rauschrobuste Verbesserung schwacher Strukturen in digitalen Radiographien durch nichtlineare Multiskalen-Filterung. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1999: 21-25
2 Rafael Wiemker: An Iterative Spectral-Spatial Bayesian Labeling Approach for Unsupervised Robust Change Detection on Remotely Sensed Multispectral Imagery. CAIP 1997: 263-270
1 Rafael Wiemker: The Color Constancy Problem: An Illumination Invariant Mapping Approach. CAIP 1995: 950-955

Coauthor Index

1Til Aach [3]
2Thomas Blaffert [4] [8] [9] [10]
3Thomas Bülow [10]
4Thorsten M. Buzug [3]
5Daniel Bystrov (Daniel Hempel) [5]
6Sabine Dippel [3] [4] [8]
7Jean P. Haas [3]
8Eike Hein [9]
9Cristian Lorenz [10]
10Edward Müller [3]
11Ulrich Neitzel [3]
12Vladimir Pekar [5] [7]
13Steffen Renisch [10]
14Patrick Rogalla [9]
15Peter Rösch [9]
16Martin Stahl [3] [4] [8]
17André Zwartkruis [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)