
Volker Weiss

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3EEGábor Renner, Volker Weiss: Exact and approximate computation of B-spline curves on surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 36(4): 351-362 (2004)
2EEVolker Weiss, László Andor, Gábor Renner, Tamás Várady: Advanced surface fitting techniques. Computer Aided Geometric Design 19(1): 19-42 (2002)
1 Tamás Várady, Pál Benkö, Géza Kós, Gábor Renner, Volker Weiss: Segmentation and Surface Fitting in Reverse Engineering. SSM 1998: 167-172

Coauthor Index

1László Andor [2]
2Pál Benkö [1]
3Géza Kós [1]
4Gábor Renner [1] [2] [3]
5Tamás Várady [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)