
Gábor Renner

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13EEIan Stroud, Gábor Renner, Paul C. Xirouchakis: A divide and conquer algorithm for medial surface calculation of planar polyhedra. Computer-Aided Design 39(9): 794-817 (2007)
12 Gábor Renner, Ian Stroud: Techniques for the calculation of medial surfaces of solids. IJCAT 23(2-4): 138-156 (2005)
11EEGábor Renner, Volker Weiss: Exact and approximate computation of B-spline curves on surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 36(4): 351-362 (2004)
10EEGábor Renner: Genetic algorithms in CAD. Computer-Aided Design 35(8): 707-708 (2003)
9EEGábor Renner, Anikó Ekárt: Genetic algorithms in computer aided design. Computer-Aided Design 35(8): 709-726 (2003)
8EEVolker Weiss, László Andor, Gábor Renner, Tamás Várady: Advanced surface fitting techniques. Computer Aided Geometric Design 19(1): 19-42 (2002)
7 Gábor Renner, Ian Stroud: Volumetric Tools For Machining Planning. PROLAMAT 2001: 106-116
6 Tamás Várady, Pál Benkö, Géza Kós, Gábor Renner, Volker Weiss: Segmentation and Surface Fitting in Reverse Engineering. SSM 1998: 167-172
5EEThomas Hermann, Gábor Renner: NURBS for curve and surface design: G. Farin(Ed.) SIAM, 1991, 161 pp, ISBN 0-89871-286-6. Computer-Aided Design 25(3): 195 (1993)
4EEThomas Hermann, Gábor Renner: Curve and surface design: H. Hagen (Ed.) SIAM, USA (1992), 219 pp, ISBN 089871-281-5. Computer-Aided Design 25(6): 391 (1993)
3 Gábor Renner: Interpolation with G2 Cubic Curves. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 1992: 385-391
2EEThomas Hermann, Gábor Renner: Note on the RGB-patch concept. Computer Aided Geometric Design 9(4): 271-277 (1992)
1 Thomas Hermann, Gábor Renner: Subdivision of n-sided Regions into Four-sided Patches. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 1988: 347-357

Coauthor Index

1László Andor [8]
2Pál Benkö [6]
3Anikó Ekárt [9]
4Thomas Hermann [1] [2] [4] [5]
5Géza Kós [6]
6Ian Stroud [7] [12] [13]
7Tamás Várady [6] [8]
8Volker Weiss [6] [8] [11]
9Paul C. Xirouchakis [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)