
Pierre Weis

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9EERoberto Di Cosmo, Zheng Li, Susanna Pelagatti, Pierre Weis: Skeletal Parallel Programming with OCamlP3l 2.0. Parallel Processing Letters 18(1): 149-164 (2008)
8EEFrédéric Blanqui, Thérèse Hardin, Pierre Weis: On the Implementation of Construction Functions for Non-free Concrete Data Types. ESOP 2007: 95-109
7EEFrédéric Blanqui, Thérèse Hardin, Pierre Weis: On the implementation of construction functions for non-free concrete data types CoRR abs/cs/0701031: (2007)
6EEF. Clément, V. Martin, A. Vodicka, Roberto Di Cosmo, Pierre Weis: Domain decomposition and skeleton programming with OCamlP3l. Parallel Computing 32(7-8): 539-550 (2006)
5 F. Clément, V. Martin, A. Vodicka, Roberto Di Cosmo, Pierre Weis: Domain Decomposition and Skeleton Programming with OCamlP3l. PARCO 2005: 811-818
4 Pieter H. Hartel, Marc Feeley, Martin Alt, Lennart Augustsson, Peter Baumann, Marcel Beemster, Emmanuel Chailloux, Christine H. Flood, Wolfgang Grieskamp, John H. G. van Groningen, Kevin Hammond, Bogumil Hausman, Melody Y. Ivory, Richard E. Jones, Jasper Kamperman, Peter Lee, Xavier Leroy, Rafael Dueire Lins, Sandra Loosemore, Niklas Röjemo, Manuel Serrano, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Jon Thackray, Stephen Thomas, Pum Walters, Pierre Weis, Peter Wentworth: Benchmarking Implementations of Functional Languages with `Pseudoknot', a Float-Intensive Benchmark. J. Funct. Program. 6(4): 621-655 (1996)
3 Catherine Dubois, François Rouaix, Pierre Weis: Generic Polymorphism. POPL 1995: 118-129
2 Manuel Serrano, Pierre Weis: Bigloo: A Portable and Optimizing Compiler for Strict Functional Languages SAS 1995: 366-381
1 Xavier Leroy, Pierre Weis: Polymorphic Type Inference and Assignment. POPL 1991: 291-302

Coauthor Index

1Martin Alt [4]
2Lennart Augustsson [4]
3Peter Baumann [4]
4Marcel Beemster [4]
5Frédéric Blanqui [7] [8]
6Emmanuel Chailloux [4]
7F. Clément [5] [6]
8Roberto Di Cosmo [5] [6] [9]
9Catherine Dubois [3]
10Marc Feeley [4]
11Christine H. Flood [4]
12Wolfgang Grieskamp [4]
13John H. G. van Groningen [4]
14Kevin Hammond [4]
15Thérèse Hardin [7] [8]
16Pieter H. Hartel [4]
17Bogumil Hausman [4]
18Melody Y. Ivory [4]
19Richard E. Jones [4]
20Jasper Kamperman [4]
21Peter Lee [4]
22Xavier Leroy [1] [4]
23Zheng Li [9]
24Rafael Dueire Lins [4]
25Sandra Loosemore [4]
26V. Martin [5] [6]
27Susanna Pelagatti [9]
28Niklas Röjemo [4]
29François Rouaix [3]
30Manuel Serrano [2] [4]
31Jean-Pierre Talpin [4]
32Jon Thackray [4]
33Stephen Thomas [4]
34A. Vodicka [5] [6]
35Pum Walters [4]
36Peter Wentworth [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)