
Stephen Thomas

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3EEJulia A. Bennell, David Crabbe, Stephen Thomas, Owain ap Gwilym: Modelling sovereign credit ratings: Neural networks versus ordered probit. Expert Syst. Appl. 30(3): 415-425 (2006)
2 Pieter H. Hartel, Marc Feeley, Martin Alt, Lennart Augustsson, Peter Baumann, Marcel Beemster, Emmanuel Chailloux, Christine H. Flood, Wolfgang Grieskamp, John H. G. van Groningen, Kevin Hammond, Bogumil Hausman, Melody Y. Ivory, Richard E. Jones, Jasper Kamperman, Peter Lee, Xavier Leroy, Rafael Dueire Lins, Sandra Loosemore, Niklas Röjemo, Manuel Serrano, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Jon Thackray, Stephen Thomas, Pum Walters, Pierre Weis, Peter Wentworth: Benchmarking Implementations of Functional Languages with `Pseudoknot', a Float-Intensive Benchmark. J. Funct. Program. 6(4): 621-655 (1996)
1EEStephen Thomas: Garbage Collection in shared-environment Closure Reducers: Space-Efficient Depth First Copying Using a Tailored Approach. Inf. Process. Lett. 56(1): 1-7 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Martin Alt [2]
2Lennart Augustsson [2]
3Peter Baumann [2]
4Marcel Beemster [2]
5Julia A. Bennell [3]
6Emmanuel Chailloux [2]
7David Crabbe [3]
8Marc Feeley [2]
9Christine H. Flood [2]
10Wolfgang Grieskamp [2]
11John H. G. van Groningen [2]
12Owain ap Gwilym [3]
13Kevin Hammond [2]
14Pieter H. Hartel [2]
15Bogumil Hausman [2]
16Melody Y. Ivory [2]
17Richard E. Jones [2]
18Jasper Kamperman [2]
19Peter Lee [2]
20Xavier Leroy [2]
21Rafael Dueire Lins [2]
22Sandra Loosemore [2]
23Niklas Röjemo [2]
24Manuel Serrano [2]
25Jean-Pierre Talpin [2]
26Jon Thackray [2]
27Pum Walters [2]
28Pierre Weis [2]
29Peter Wentworth [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)