
Abel Weinrib

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12 Scott Shenker, Abel Weinrib, Eve M. Schooler: Managing Shared Ephemeral Teleconferencing State: Policy and Mechanism. COST 237 Workshop 1994: 69-88
11 A. Arango, Lisa Bahler, Peter Bates, Munir Cochinwala, David Cohrs, Robert Fish, Gita Gopal, Nancy D. Griffeth, Gary E. Herman, Takako M. Hickey, K. C. Lee, Will E. Leland, Carlyn Lowery, Victor Mak, John F. Patterson, Lillian Ruston, Mark Segal, R. C. Sekar, Mario P. Vecchi, Abel Weinrib, Sze-Ying Wuu: The Touring Machine System. Commun. ACM 36(1): 68-77 (1993)
10 Mauricio Arango, Michael Kramer, Steven L. Rohall, Lillian Ruston, Abel Weinrib: Enhancing the Touring Machine API to Support Integrated Digital Transport. NOSSDAV 1992: 176-182
9 Mauricio Arango, Peter Bates, Robert Fish, Gita Gopal, Nancy D. Griffeth, Gary E. Herman, Takako M. Hickey, Will E. Leland, Carlyn Lowery, Victor Mak, John F. Patterson, Lillian Ruston, Mark Segal, Mario P. Vecchi, Abel Weinrib, Sze-Ying Wuu: Touring Machine: A Software Platform for Distributed Multimedia Applications. ULPAA 1992: 3-15
8 Thomas F. Bowen, Gita Gopal, Gary E. Herman, Takako M. Hickey, K. C. Lee, William H. Mansfield, John Raitz, Abel Weinrib: The Datacycle Architecture. Commun. ACM 35(12): 71-81 (1992)
7 Gita Gopal, Nancy D. Griffeth, Abel Weinrib: Distributed Implementation of Real-Time Resource Counters. INFOCOM 1991: 415-425
6 Abel Weinrib, Gita Gopal: Limited Waiting: An Adaptive Overload-Control Strategy for Circuit Switched Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9(2): 157-164 (1991)
5 Nancy D. Griffeth, Abel Weinrib: Scalability of a Distributed Real-Time Resource Counter. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1990: 51-61
4 Gita Gopal, Ashok Kumar, Abel Weinrib: Routing in a Circuit-Switched Network with Priority Classes. INFOCOM 1989: 792-799
3 Scott Shenker, Abel Weinrib: The Optimal Control of Heterogeneous Queueing Systems: A Paradigm for Load-Sharing and Routing. IEEE Trans. Computers 38(12): 1724-1735 (1989)
2 Scott Shenker, Abel Weinrib: Asymptotic Analysis of Large Heterogeneous Queueing Systems. SIGMETRICS 1988: 56-62
1EEGary E. Herman, Gita Gopal, K. C. Lee, Abel Weinrib: The Datacycle Architecture for Very High Throughput Database Systems. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 97-103

Coauthor Index

1A. Arango [11]
2Mauricio Arango [9] [10]
3Lisa Bahler [11]
4Peter Bates [9] [11]
5Thomas F. Bowen [8]
6Munir Cochinwala [11]
7David Cohrs [11]
8Robert Fish [9] [11]
9Gita Gopal [1] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
10Nancy D. Griffeth [5] [7] [9] [11]
11Gary E. Herman [1] [8] [9] [11]
12Takako M. Hickey [8] [9] [11]
13Michael Kramer [10]
14Ashok Kumar [4]
15K. C. Lee [1] [8] [11]
16Will E. Leland [9] [11]
17Carlyn Lowery [9] [11]
18Victor Mak [9] [11]
19William H. Mansfield [8]
20John F. Patterson [9] [11]
21John Raitz [8]
22Steven L. Rohall [10]
23Lillian Ruston [9] [10] [11]
24Eve M. Schooler [12]
25Mark Segal [9] [11]
26R. C. Sekar [11]
27Scott Shenker [2] [3] [12]
28Mario P. Vecchi [9] [11]
29Sze-Ying Wuu [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)