
Nancy D. Griffeth

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36EERui Fan, Ralph E. Droms, Nancy D. Griffeth, Nancy A. Lynch: The DHCP Failover Protocol: A Formal Perspective. FORTE 2007: 211-226
35EENancy D. Griffeth, Yuri Cantor, Constantinos Djouvas: Testing a Network by Inferring Representative State Machines from Network Traces. ICSEA 2006: 31
34EEConstantinos Djouvas, Nancy D. Griffeth, Nancy A. Lynch: Testing Self-Similar Networks. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 164(4): 67-82 (2006)
33 Nancy D. Griffeth, Constantinos Djouvas: Experimental Method for Testing Networks. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2005: 935-941
32EERuibing Hao, David Lee, Rakesh K. Sinha, Nancy D. Griffeth: Integrated system interoperability testing with applications to VoIP. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 12(5): 823-836 (2004)
31 Nancy D. Griffeth, Ruibing Hao, David Lee, Rakesh K. Sinha: Integrated System Interoperability Testing with Applications to VOIP. FORTE 2000: 69-84
30EEL. G. Bouma, Nancy D. Griffeth, Kristofer Kimbler: Feature Interations in Telecommunications Systems. Computer Networks 32(4): 383-387 (2000)
29EENancy D. Griffeth, Ralph Blumenthal, Jean-Charles Grégoire, Tadashi Ohta: A feature interaction benchmark for the first feature interaction detection contest. Computer Networks 32(4): 389-418 (2000)
28EENancy D. Griffeth, Ralph Blumenthal, Jean-Charles Grégoire, Tadashi Ohta: Feature interaction detection contest of the Fifth International Workshop on Feature Interactions. Computer Networks 32(4): 487-510 (2000)
27 Nancy D. Griffeth, Ralph Blumenthal, Jean-Charles Grégoire, Tadashi Ohta: Feature Interaction Detetion Contest. FIW 1998: 327-359
26 Alfred V. Aho, Sean Gallagher, Nancy D. Griffeth, Cynthia Schell, Deborah Swayne: SCF3/Sculptor with Chisel: Requirements Engineering for Communications Services. FIW 1998: 45-63
25EENancy D. Griffeth: Making a Simple Interface Complex: Tnteractions among Telephone Features. CHI Conference Companion 1996: 244-245
24EEAlfred V. Aho, Nancy D. Griffeth: Feature Interactions in the Global Information Infrastructure (Panel). SIGSOFT FSE 1995: 2-4
23 Jane Cameron, Nancy D. Griffeth, Yow-Jian Lin, Margaret E. Nilson, William K. Schnure, Hugo Velthuijsen: A feature interaction benchmark for IN and beyond. FIW 1994: 1-23
22 Nancy D. Griffeth, Hugo Velthuijsen: The negotiating agents approach to runtime feature interaction resolution. FIW 1994: 217-235
21 John A. Miller, Nancy D. Griffeth: Performance of Time Warp Protocols for Transaction Management in Object Oriented Systems. Int. Journal in Computer Simulation 4(3): 0- (1994)
20 Nancy D. Griffeth, Hugo Velthuijsen: Reasoning about Goals to Resolve Conflicts. CoopIS 1993: 197-204
19 A. Arango, Lisa Bahler, Peter Bates, Munir Cochinwala, David Cohrs, Robert Fish, Gita Gopal, Nancy D. Griffeth, Gary E. Herman, Takako M. Hickey, K. C. Lee, Will E. Leland, Carlyn Lowery, Victor Mak, John F. Patterson, Lillian Ruston, Mark Segal, R. C. Sekar, Mario P. Vecchi, Abel Weinrib, Sze-Ying Wuu: The Touring Machine System. Commun. ACM 36(1): 68-77 (1993)
18 Nancy D. Griffeth, Yow-Jian Lin: Extending Telecommunications Systems: The Feature-Interaction Promlem - Guest Editors' Introduction. IEEE Computer 26(8): 14-18 (1993)
17 Mauricio Arango, Peter Bates, Robert Fish, Gita Gopal, Nancy D. Griffeth, Gary E. Herman, Takako M. Hickey, Will E. Leland, Carlyn Lowery, Victor Mak, John F. Patterson, Lillian Ruston, Mark Segal, Mario P. Vecchi, Abel Weinrib, Sze-Ying Wuu: Touring Machine: A Software Platform for Distributed Multimedia Applications. ULPAA 1992: 3-15
16 Michael J. Fischer, Nancy D. Griffeth, Leonidas J. Guibas, Nancy A. Lynch: Optimal Placement of Identical Resources in a Tree Inf. Comput. 96(1): 1-54 (1992)
15EEJohn A. Miller, Nancy D. Griffeth: Performance modeling of database and simulation protocols: design choices for query driven simulation. Annual Simulation Symposium 1991: 205-216
14 Gita Gopal, Nancy D. Griffeth, Abel Weinrib: Distributed Implementation of Real-Time Resource Counters. INFOCOM 1991: 415-425
13 Gita Gopal, Nancy D. Griffeth: Software Fault Tolerance in Telecommunications Systems. Operating Systems Review 25(2): 112-116 (1991)
12EEGita Gopal, Nancy D. Griffeth: Software fault tolerance in telecommunications systems. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1990
11 Nancy D. Griffeth, Abel Weinrib: Scalability of a Distributed Real-Time Resource Counter. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1990: 51-61
10EEJ. Eliot B. Moss, Nancy D. Griffeth, Marc H. Graham: Abstraction in Recovery Management. SIGMOD Conference 1986: 72-83
9 Nancy A. Lynch, Nancy D. Griffeth, Michael J. Fischer, Leonidas J. Guibas: Probabilistic Analysis of a Network Resource Allocation Algorithm Information and Control 68(1-3): 47-85 (1986)
8EENancy D. Griffeth: Reducing the Cost of Recovery from Transaction Failure. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 8(2): 91-98 (1985)
7 Nancy D. Griffeth, John A. Miller: Performance Modeling of Database Recovery Protocols. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(6): 564-572 (1985)
6 Nancy D. Griffeth, Magdi M. A. Morsi: Simulation of Concurrency Control and Recovery Protocols for Distributed Database Systems. INFOCOM 1984: 200-209
5EEMarc H. Graham, Nancy D. Griffeth, Barbara Smith-Thomas: Reliable Scheduling of Database Transactions for Unreliable Systems. PODS 1984: 300-310
4 Nancy D. Griffeth, John A. Miller: Performance Modeling of Database Recovery Protocols. Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1984: 75-83
3 Michael J. Fischer, Nancy D. Griffeth, Nancy A. Lynch: Global States of a Distributed System. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 8(3): 198-202 (1982)
2 Michael J. Fischer, Leonidas J. Guibas, Nancy D. Griffeth, Nancy A. Lynch: Optimal Placement of Identical Resources in a Distributed Network. ICDCS 1981: 324-336
1EENancy D. Griffeth: Nonprocedural Query Processing for Databases with Access Paths. SIGMOD Conference 1978: 160-168

Coauthor Index

1Alfred V. Aho [24] [26]
2A. Arango [19]
3Mauricio Arango [17]
4Lisa Bahler [19]
5Peter Bates [17] [19]
6Ralph Blumenthal [27] [28] [29]
7Wiet Bouma (L. G. Bouma) [30]
8Jane Cameron [23]
9Yuri Cantor [35]
10Munir Cochinwala [19]
11David Cohrs [19]
12Constantinos Djouvas [33] [34] [35]
13Ralph E. Droms [36]
14Rui Fan [36]
15Michael J. Fischer [2] [3] [9] [16]
16Robert Fish [17] [19]
17Sean Gallagher [26]
18Gita Gopal [12] [13] [14] [17] [19]
19Marc H. Graham [5] [10]
20Jean-Charles Grégoire [27] [28] [29]
21Leonidas J. Guibas [2] [9] [16]
22Ruibing Hao [31] [32]
23Gary E. Herman [17] [19]
24Takako M. Hickey [17] [19]
25Kristofer Kimbler [30]
26David Lee [31] [32]
27K. C. Lee [19]
28Will E. Leland [17] [19]
29Yow-Jian Lin [18] [23]
30Carlyn Lowery [17] [19]
31Nancy A. Lynch [2] [3] [9] [16] [34] [36]
32Victor Mak [17] [19]
33John A. Miller [4] [7] [15] [21]
34Magdi M. A. Morsi [6]
35J. Eliot B. Moss [10]
36Margaret E. Nilson [23]
37Tadashi Ohta [27] [28] [29]
38John F. Patterson [17] [19]
39Lillian Ruston [17] [19]
40Cynthia Schell [26]
41William K. Schnure [23]
42Mark Segal [17] [19]
43R. C. Sekar [19]
44Rakesh K. Sinha [31] [32]
45Barbara Smith-Thomas [5]
46Deborah Swayne [26]
47Mario P. Vecchi [17] [19]
48Hugo Velthuijsen [20] [22] [23]
49Abel Weinrib [11] [14] [17] [19]
50Sze-Ying Wuu [17] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)