
Alexander Weimer

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6EESteffen Priesterjahn, Alexander Weimer, Markus Eberling: Real-time imitation-based adaptation of gaming behaviour in modern computer games. GECCO 2008: 1431-1432
5EESteffen Priesterjahn, Alexander Weimer: An evolutionary online adaptation method for modern computer games based on imitation. GECCO 2007: 344-345
4EEAndreas Goebels, Alexander Weimer, Steffen Priesterjahn: Using cellular automata with evolutionary learned rules to solve the online partitioning problem. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 837-843
3EESteffen Priesterjahn, Oliver Kramer, Alexander Weimer, Andreas Goebels: Evolution of Reactive Rules in Multi Player Computer Games Based on Imitation. ICNC (2) 2005: 744-755
2 Andreas Goebels, Hans Kleine Büning, Steffen Priesterjahn, Alexander Weimer: Towards Online Partitioning of Agent Sets based on Local Information. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2005: 674-679
1EEAndreas Goebels, Hans Kleine Büning, Steffen Priesterjahn, Alexander Weimer: Multi Target Partitioning of Sets Based on Local Information. WSTST 2005: 1309-1318

Coauthor Index

1Hans Kleine Büning [1] [2]
2Markus Eberling [6]
3Andreas Goebels [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Oliver Kramer [3]
5Steffen Priesterjahn [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)