
Kate Webster

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5EEKate Webster, David Dyar: Using a database-driven website to track sensitive data use. SIGUCCS 2005: 447-449
4EECindy Guerrazzi, Kate Webster: Using a course management system to create a training course for student employees. SIGUCCS 2003: 247-248
3EEKate Webster, Karen Kral: Creating a training program for department IT support staff. SIGUCCS 2002: 157-160
2 Kate Webster, Lalena Parkhurst, Bernice Ginder, Malik K. Rahman: Recruitment and Retention of IT Staff in Higher Education. SIGUCCS 2000: 320-321
1EEKate Webster, Suzanne Nanis: It Takes a Team to Move a Mountain: Migrating to Desktop Client E-mail. SIGUCCS 1999: 208-211

Coauthor Index

1David Dyar [5]
2Bernice Ginder [2]
3Cindy Guerrazzi [4]
4Karen Kral [3]
5Suzanne Nanis [1]
6Lalena Parkhurst [2]
7Malik K. Rahman [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)