
Thomas P. Way

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9EEJoseph Distasio, Thomas P. Way: Inclusive computer science education using a ready-made computer game framework. ITiCSE 2007: 116-120
8 Thomas P. Way: Compilation for Future Nanocomputer Architectures. CDES 2006: 251-257
7 Bryan W. Wagner, Thomas P. Way: MolML: An Abstract Scripting Language for Assembly of Mechanical Nanocomputer Architectures. CDES 2006: 258-264
6EEThomas P. Way: A Virtual Laboratory Model for Encouraging Undergraduate Research. SIGCSE 2006: 203-207
5EETimothy M. White, Thomas P. Way: jFAST: a java finite automata simulator. SIGCSE 2006: 384-388
4EESebastian Niezgoda, Thomas P. Way: SNITCH: a software tool for detecting cut and paste plagiarism. SIGCSE 2006: 51-55
3EEThomas P. Way, Lori L. Pollock: Demand-driven Inlining in a Region-based Optimizer for ILP Architectures CoRR abs/cs/0604043: (2006)
2EEJoseph Distasio, Thomas P. Way: Exploring Computer Science Concepts with a Ready-made Computer Game Framework CoRR abs/cs/0609070: (2006)
1EEThomas P. Way: A company-based framework for a software engineering course. SIGCSE 2005: 132-136

Coauthor Index

1Joseph Distasio [2] [9]
2Sebastian Niezgoda [4]
3Lori L. Pollock [3]
4Bryan W. Wagner [7]
5Timothy M. White [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)