
Geoffrey J. M. Parker

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12EEKatia M. Passera, Luca T. Mainardi, Deirdre McGrath, Josephine H. Naish, David L. Buckley, Sue Cheung, Yvonne Watson, Angela Caunce, Giovanni A. Buonaccorsi, John P. Logue, Marcus B. Taylor, Chris Taylor, John C. Waterton, Helen Young, Geoffrey J. M. Parker: A non-linear registration method for DCE-MRI and DCE-CT comparison in bladder tumors. ISBI 2008: 1095-1098
11EEShahrum Nedjati-Gilani, Daniel C. Alexander, Geoffrey J. M. Parker: Regularized super-resolution for diffusion MRI. ISBI 2008: 875-878
10EEKiran K. Seunarine, Philip A. Cook, Matt G. Hall, Karl V. Embleton, Geoffrey J. M. Parker, Daniel C. Alexander: Exploiting peak anisotropy for tracking through complex structures. ICCV 2007: 1-8
9EEC. J. Rose, S. Mills, J. P. B. O'Connor, Giovanni A. Buonaccorsi, Caleb Roberts, Yvonne Watson, Brandon J. Whitcher, Gordon C. Jayson, Alan Jackson, Geoffrey J. M. Parker: Quantifying Heterogeneity in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Parameter Maps. MICCAI (2) 2007: 376-384
8EEGeoffrey J. M. Parker, Hamied A. Haroon, David M. Morris, Matthew A. Lambon-Ralph, Karl V. Embleton: Integration of fMRI and probabilistic tractography for cerebral network analysis. ISBI 2006: 359-362
7EEGiovanni A. Buonaccorsi, Caleb Roberts, Sue Cheung, Yvonne Watson, Karen Davies, Alan Jackson, Gordon C. Jayson, Geoffrey J. M. Parker: Tracer Kinetic Model-Driven Registration for Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Time Series. MICCAI 2005: 91-98
6 Philip A. Cook, Daniel C. Alexander, Geoffrey J. M. Parker: Modelling Noise-Induced Fibre-Orientation Error in Diffusion-Tensor MRI. ISBI 2004: 332-336
5EEJosephine H. Naish, Geoffrey J. M. Parker, Paul C. Beatty, Alan Jackson, John C. Waterton, Simon S. Young, Christopher J. Taylor: Improved Regional Analysis of Oxygen-Enhanced Lung MR Imaging Using Image Registration. MICCAI (1) 2004: 862-869
4EEGeoffrey J. M. Parker, Daniel C. Alexander: Probabilistic Monte Carlo Based Mapping of Cerebral Connections Utilising Whole-Brain Crossing Fibre Information. IPMI 2003: 684-695
3 Geoffrey J. M. Parker, Claudia A. M. Wheeler-Kingshott, Gareth J. Barker: Estimating Distributed Anatomical Brain Connectivity Using Fast Marching Methods and Diffusion Tensor Imaging. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(5): 505-512 (2002)
2EEGeoffrey J. M. Parker, Claudia A. M. Wheeler-Kingshott, Gareth J. Barker: Distributed Anatomical Brain Connectivity Derived from Diffusion Tensor Imaging. IPMI 2001: 106-120
1EEGeoffrey J. M. Parker, Julia A. Schnabel, Gareth J. Barker: Nonlinear Smoothing of MR Images Using Approximate Entropy - A Local Measure of Signal Intensity Irregularity. IPMI 1999: 484-489

Coauthor Index

1Daniel C. Alexander [4] [6] [10] [11]
2Gareth J. Barker [1] [2] [3]
3Paul C. Beatty [5]
4David L. Buckley [12]
5Giovanni A. Buonaccorsi [7] [9] [12]
6Angela Caunce [12]
7Sue Cheung [7] [12]
8Philip A. Cook [6] [10]
9Karen Davies [7]
10Karl V. Embleton [8] [10]
11Matt G. Hall [10]
12Hamied A. Haroon [8]
13Alan Jackson [5] [7] [9]
14Gordon C. Jayson [7] [9]
15Matthew A. Lambon-Ralph [8]
16John P. Logue [12]
17Luca T. Mainardi [12]
18Deirdre McGrath [12]
19S. Mills [9]
20David M. Morris [8]
21Josephine H. Naish [5] [12]
22Shahrum Nedjati-Gilani [11]
23J. P. B. O'Connor [9]
24Katia M. Passera [12]
25Caleb Roberts [7] [9]
26C. J. Rose [9]
27Julia A. Schnabel [1]
28Kiran K. Seunarine [10]
29Chris Taylor [12]
30Christopher J. Taylor [5]
31Marcus B. Taylor [12]
32John C. Waterton [5] [12]
33Yvonne Watson [7] [9] [12]
34Claudia A. M. Wheeler-Kingshott [2] [3]
35Brandon J. Whitcher [9]
36Helen Young [12]
37Simon S. Young [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)