
Zhonglei Wang

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5EEZhonglei Wang, Andreas Herkersdorf, Stefano Merenda, Michael Tautschnig: A Model Driven Development Approach for Implementing Reactive Systems in Hardware. FDL 2008: 197-202
4EEZhonglei Wang, Thomas Wild, Stefan Rüping, Bernhard Lippmann: Benchmarking Domain Specific Processors: A Case Study of Evaluating a Smart Card Processor Design. ISVLSI 2008: 16-21
3EEZhonglei Wang, Wolfgang Haberl, Andreas Herkersdorf, Martin Wechs: A Simulation Approach for Performance Validation during Embedded Systems Design. ISoLA 2008: 385-399
2EEZhonglei Wang, Wolfgang Haberl, Stefan Kugele, Michael Tautschnig: Automatic generation of systemc models from component-based designs for early design validation and performance analysis. WOSP 2008: 139-144
1EEZhonglei Wang, Antonio Sanchez, Andreas Herkersdorf: SciSim: a software performance estimation framework using source code instrumentation. WOSP 2008: 33-42

Coauthor Index

1Wolfgang Haberl [2] [3]
2Andreas Herkersdorf [1] [3] [5]
3Stefan Kugele [2]
4Bernhard Lippmann [4]
5Stefano Merenda [5]
6Stefan Rüping [4]
7Antonio Sanchez [1]
8Michael Tautschnig [2] [5]
9Martin Wechs [3]
10Thomas Wild [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)