
Bei Wang

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10EEBei Wang, Jingliang Peng, C. C. Jay Kuo: Cumulus Cloud Synthesis with Similarity Solution and Particle/Voxel Modeling. ISVC (1) 2008: 65-74
9EEBei Wang, Jeff M. Phillips, Robert Schreiber, Dennis Wilkinson: Spatial Scan Statistics for Graph Clustering. SDM 2008: 727-738
8EEBei Wang, Dimitris Papamichail, Steffen Mueller, Steven Skiena: Two proteins for the price of one: the design of maximally compressed coding sequences. Natural Computing 6(4): 359-370 (2007)
7 Bei Wang, Jim Alves-Foss: An MSLS-EMM for enforcing confidentiality in malicious environments. Communication, Network, and Information Security 2006: 126-131
6EESudheer Sahu, Bei Wang, John H. Reif: A Framework for Modeling DNA Based Molecular Systems. DNA 2006: 250-265
5EEBei Wang, Linjun Yang, Hong Lu, Xiangyang Xue: Post-Refinement of Shot Boundary Detection Based on Manifold Feature. Journal of Computer Research and Development 43(11): 1993-1998 (2006)
4EEBei Wang, Dimitris Papamichail, Steffen Mueller, Steven Skiena: Two Proteins for the Price of One: The Design of Maximally Compressed Coding Sequences. DNA 2005: 387-398
3EEHong Lu, Bei Wang, Xiangyang Xue, Yap-Peng Tan: Effective shot boundary classification using video spatial-temporal information. ISCAS (4) 2005: 3837-3840
2EETarek M. Sobh, Bei Wang, Kurt W. Coble: Experimental Robot Musicians. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 38(2): 197-212 (2003)
1 Gek Woo Tan, Bei Wang: The Relationship between Demand, Product, and Information Sharing Strategies. ICIS 2001: 543-550

Coauthor Index

1Jim Alves-Foss [7]
2Kurt W. Coble [2]
3C. C. Jay Kuo [10]
4Hong Lu [3] [5]
5Steffen Mueller [4] [8]
6Dimitris Papamichail [4] [8]
7Jingliang Peng [10]
8Jeff M. Phillips [9]
9John H. Reif [6]
10Sudheer Sahu [6]
11Robert Schreiber [9]
12Steven Skiena [4] [8]
13Tarek M. Sobh [2]
14Gek Woo Tan [1]
15Yap-Peng Tan [3]
16Dennis Wilkinson [9]
17Xiangyang Xue [3] [5]
18Linjun Yang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)