
Jie Wan

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11EEJie Wan, Li Li: Simulation for Constrainted Optimization of Inventory System by Using Arena and OptQuest. CSSE (2) 2008: 202-205
10EEJie Wan, Peter Chen: Analysis on nonlinear feedback controls for differential mobile robots and its application to multi-robot formation control - part one. ICARCV 2008: 1224-1229
9EEJie Wan, Peter Chen: Analysis on nonlinear feedback controls for differential mobile robots and its application to multi-robot formation control - part two. ICARCV 2008: 1987-1992
8EEJack P. C. Kleijnen, Jie Wan: Optimization of simulated systems: OptQuest and alternatives. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 15(3): 354-362 (2007)
7 Jie Wan: Acquisition of Remote Video Based on Windows CE. Communications in Computing 2005: 184-188
6 Jie Wan: Network Management Based on Mobile Agents. Communications in Computing 2005: 54-60
5EEJie Wan, Suleyman Kocak, Mark S. Shephard: Automated adaptive 3D forming simulation processes. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 21(1): 47-75 (2005)
4 Peiji Shao, Jingjing Li, Jing Yang, Jie Wan: An Initial Study on the Intensifying Enterprises Information Management. ICEB 2004: 499-504
3 Jie Wan, Karen Nan Miu: Meter placement for load estimation in radial power distribution systems. ISCAS (5) 2004: 916-919
2EEJie Wan, Suleyman Kocak, Mark S. Shephard: Automated Adaptive Forming Simulations. IMR 2003: 323-334
1EEJie Wan, Karen Nan Miu: Zonal load estimation studies in radial power distribution networks. ISCAS (5) 2002: 697-700

Coauthor Index

1Peter Chen [9] [10]
2Jack P. C. Kleijnen [8]
3Suleyman Kocak [2] [5]
4Jingjing Li [4]
5Li Li [11]
6Karen Nan Miu [1] [3]
7Peiji Shao [4]
8Mark S. Shephard [2] [5]
9Jing Yang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)