
Ivo Vondrák

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6EEIvo Vondrák, Jan Martinovic, Jan Kozusznik, Svatopluk Stolfa, Tomas Kozubek, Petr Kubicek, Vit Vondrak, Jan Unucka: A Description of a Highly Modular System for the Emergent Flood Prediction. CISIM 2008: 219-224
5EEBéatrix Barafort, David Jezek, Timo Mäkinen, Svatopluk Stolfa, Timo Varkoi, Ivo Vondrák: Modeling and Assessment in IT Service Process Improvement. EuroSPI 2008: 117-128
4 Ivo Vondrák: Business Process Modeling. EJC 2006: 223-235
3EEMichal Krátký, Svatopluk Stolfa, Václav Snásel, Ivo Vondrák: Efficient Searching in Large Inheritance Hierarchies. DEXA 2005: 940-952
2 Ivo Vondrák: Business process modeling and simulation for quality management. ESM 2000: 375-379
1 Roman Szturc, Ivo Vondrák, Marcel Kruzel: Issuing of error suspicions in evolving process. ESM 2000: 783-787

Coauthor Index

1Béatrix Barafort [5]
2David Jezek [5]
3Tomas Kozubek [6]
4Jan Kozusznik [6]
5Michal Krátký [3]
6Marcel Kruzel [1]
7Petr Kubicek [6]
8Timo Mäkinen [5]
9Jan Martinovic [6]
10Václav Snásel [3]
11Svatopluk Stolfa [3] [5] [6]
12Roman Szturc [1]
13Jan Unucka [6]
14Timo Varkoi [5]
15Vit Vondrak [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)