
Michel Verhaegen

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14EEJan-Willem van Wingerden, Michel Verhaegen: Subspace identification of Bilinear and LPV systems for open- and closed-loop data. Automatica 45(2): 372-381 (2009)
13EEMathieu Gerard, Bart De Schutter, Michel Verhaegen: A hybrid steepest descent method for constrained convex optimization. Automatica 45(2): 525-531 (2009)
12EEPaolo Massioni, Michel Verhaegen: Subspace identification of circulant systems. Automatica 44(11): 2825-2833 (2008)
11EEFederico Felici, Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Michel Verhaegen: Subspace identification of MIMO LPV systems using a periodic scheduling sequence. Automatica 43(10): 1684-1697 (2007)
10EERufus Fraanje, Michel Verhaegen, S. J. Elliott: Robustness of the Filtered-X LMS Algorithm - Part I: Necessary Conditions for Convergence and the Asymptotic Pseudospectrum of Toeplitz Matrices. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(8): 4029-4037 (2007)
9EERufus Fraanje, S. J. Elliott, Michel Verhaegen: Robustness of the Filtered-X LMS Algorithm - Part II: Robustness Enhancement by Minimal Regularization for Norm Bounded Uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(8): 4038-4047 (2007)
8EEOrest V. Iftime, Michel Verhaegen: Model-based learning control with non-repetitive initial conditions. IJISTA 2(2/3): 161-173 (2007)
7EES. Kanev, Michel Verhaegen: Robustly asymptotically stable finite-horizon MPC. Automatica 42(12): 2189-2194 (2006)
6 Orest V. Iftime, Michel Verhaegen: Model-Based Learning Control with Non-Repetitive Initial Conditions. ALaRT 2005: 49-56
5EEKarel Hinnen, Michel Verhaegen, Niek Doelman: Robust spectral factor approximation of discrete-time frequency domain power spectras. Automatica 41(10): 1791-1798 (2005)
4EEVincent Verdult, Michel Verhaegen: Kernel methods for subspace identification of multivariable LPV and bilinear systems. Automatica 41(9): 1557-1565 (2005)
3EES. Kanev, C. Scherer, Michel Verhaegen, Bart De Schutter: Robust output-feedback controller design via local BMI optimization. Automatica 40(7): 1115-1127 (2004)
2EERufus Fraanje, Michel Verhaegen, Niek Doelman: Convergence analysis of the Filtered-U LMS algorithm for active noise control in case perfect cancellation is not possible. Signal Processing 83(6): 1239-1254 (2003)
1EERolf Johansson, Michel Verhaegen, Chun Tung Chou: Stochastic theory of continuous-time state-space identification. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 47(1): 41-51 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Chun Tung Chou [1]
2Niek Doelman [2] [5]
3S. J. Elliott [9] [10]
4Federico Felici [11]
5Rufus Fraanje [2] [9] [10]
6Mathieu Gerard [13]
7Karel Hinnen [5]
8Orest V. Iftime [6] [8]
9Rolf Johansson [1]
10S. Kanev [3] [7]
11Paolo Massioni [12]
12C. Scherer [3]
13Bart De Schutter [3] [13]
14Vincent Verdult [4]
15Jan-Willem van Wingerden [11] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)