
Nicolas Vayatis

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10EEStéphan Clémençon, Nicolas Vayatis: Approximation of the Optimal ROC Curve and a Tree-Based Ranking Algorithm. ALT 2008: 22-37
9EEPatrice Bertail, Stéphan Clémençon, Nicolas Vayatis: On Bootstrapping the ROC Curve. NIPS 2008: 137-144
8EEStéphan Clémençon, Nicolas Vayatis: Empirical performance maximization for linear rank statistics. NIPS 2008: 305-312
7EEStéphan Clémençon, Nicolas Vayatis: Overlaying classifiers: a practical approach for optimal ranking. NIPS 2008: 313-320
6EEStéphan Clémençon, Gábor Lugosi, Nicolas Vayatis: Ranking and Scoring Using Empirical Risk Minimization. COLT 2005: 1-15
5EEAnatoli Juditsky, Alexander V. Nazin, Alexandre B. Tsybakov, Nicolas Vayatis: Generalization Error Bounds for Aggregation by Mirror Descent with Averaging. NIPS 2005
4EEGilles Blanchard, Gábor Lugosi, Nicolas Vayatis: On the Rate of Convergence of Regularized Boosting Classifiers. Journal of Machine Learning Research 4: 861-894 (2003)
3EEGábor Lugosi, Nicolas Vayatis: A Consistent Strategy for Boosting Algorithms. COLT 2002: 303-318
2 Nicolas Vayatis: The Role of Critical Sets in Vapnik-Chervonenkis Theory. COLT 2000: 75-80
1EENicolas Vayatis, Robert Azencott: Distribution-Dependent Vapnik-Chervonenkis Bounds. EuroCOLT 1999: 230-240

Coauthor Index

1Robert Azencott [1]
2Patrice Bertail [9]
3Gilles Blanchard [4]
4Stéphan Clémençon [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
5Anatoli Juditsky [5]
6Gábor Lugosi [3] [4] [6]
7Alexander V. Nazin [5]
8Alexandre B. Tsybakov [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)