
Alexandre B. Tsybakov

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7EEArnak S. Dalalyan, Alexandre B. Tsybakov: Aggregation by exponential weighting, sharp PAC-Bayesian bounds and sparsity. Machine Learning 72(1-2): 39-61 (2008)
6EEFlorentina Bunea, Alexandre B. Tsybakov, Marten H. Wegkamp: Sparse Density Estimation with l1 Penalties. COLT 2007: 530-543
5EEArnak S. Dalalyan, Alexandre B. Tsybakov: Aggregation by Exponential Weighting and Sharp Oracle Inequalities. COLT 2007: 97-111
4EEFlorentina Bunea, Alexandre B. Tsybakov, Marten H. Wegkamp: Aggregation and Sparsity Via l1 Penalized Least Squares. COLT 2006: 379-391
3EEAnatoli Juditsky, Alexander V. Nazin, Alexandre B. Tsybakov, Nicolas Vayatis: Generalization Error Bounds for Aggregation by Mirror Descent with Averaging. NIPS 2005
2EEAlexandre B. Tsybakov: Optimal Rates of Aggregation. COLT 2003: 303-313
1 Alexander V. Nazin, B. T. Polyak, Alexandre B. Tsybakov: Optimal and robust kernel algorithms for passive stochastic approximation. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(5): 1577- (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Florentina Bunea [4] [6]
2Arnak S. Dalalyan [5] [7]
3Anatoli Juditsky [3]
4Alexander V. Nazin [1] [3]
5B. T. Polyak [1]
6Nicolas Vayatis [3]
7Marten H. Wegkamp [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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