
L. Varga

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7EEZsolt Kovacs, Richard McClatchey, Tony Solomonides, Jean-Marie Le Goff, Paul Lecoq, F. Rohrbach, G. Vesztergombi, M. Zsenei, L. Varga: Database Description for a Pan-European Healthcare System. HICSS 2000
6EERichard McClatchey, Zsolt Kovacs, Florida Estrella, Jean-Marie Le Goff, L. Varga, M. Zsenei: The Role of Meta-Objects and Self-Description in an Engineering Data Warehouse. IDEAS 1999: 342-350
5EEGábor Hosszú, Ferenc Kovács, L. Varga: Design procedure based on VHDL language transformations. ISCAS (1) 1999: 407-410
4 Zoltán Daróczy, L. Varga: A new approach to defining software complexity measures. Acta Cybern. 8: 287-291 (1988)
3 L. Varga: On the verification of abstract data types. Acta Cybern. 6: 7-12 (1983)
2 L. Varga: Synthesis of abstract algorithms. Acta Cybern. 5: 59-76 (1981)
1 I. Fekete, L. Varga: On the formal definition of VDL-objects. Acta Cybern. 3: 239-248 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1Zoltán Daróczy [4]
2Florida Estrella [6]
3I. Fekete [1]
4Jean-Marie Le Goff [6] [7]
5Gábor Hosszú [5]
6Ferenc Kovács [5]
7Zsolt Kovacs [6] [7]
8Paul Lecoq [7]
9Richard McClatchey [6] [7]
10F. Rohrbach [7]
11Tony Solomonides [7]
12G. Vesztergombi [7]
13M. Zsenei [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)