
G. Vesztergombi

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4EEZsolt Kovacs, Richard McClatchey, Tony Solomonides, Jean-Marie Le Goff, Paul Lecoq, F. Rohrbach, G. Vesztergombi, M. Zsenei, L. Varga: Database Description for a Pan-European Healthcare System. HICSS 2000
3 G. Odor, G. Vesztergombi, F. Rohrbach: Parallel simulation of ID probabilistic cellular automata on associative string processing machine. PDP 1997: 149-154
2 G. Vesztergombi, G. Odor, F. Rohrbach, G. Varga, F. Tatrai: Boolean matrix exponentiation: A case story for a scalable massively parallel matrix machine with string architecture. PDP 1997: 461-467
1 G. Vesztergombi, F. Rohrbach: Massively Parallel Processing in High Energy Physics: The CERN-MPPC Project. ACPC 1991: 238-251

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Marie Le Goff [4]
2Zsolt Kovacs [4]
3Paul Lecoq [4]
4Richard McClatchey [4]
5G. Odor [2] [3]
6F. Rohrbach [1] [2] [3] [4]
7Tony Solomonides [4]
8F. Tatrai [2]
9G. Varga [2]
10L. Varga [4]
11M. Zsenei [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)