
Mario Vanhoucke

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16EEMario Vanhoucke: A Genetic Algorithm for Net Present Value Maximization for Resource Constrained Projects. EvoCOP 2009: 13-24
15EEVincent Van Peteghem, Mario Vanhoucke: An Artificial Immune System for the Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. EvoCOP 2009: 85-96
14EEMario Vanhoucke, Broos Maenhout: On the characterization and generation of nurse scheduling problem instances. European Journal of Operational Research 196(2): 457-467 (2009)
13EEBroos Maenhout, Mario Vanhoucke: Comparison and hybridization of crossover operators for the nurse scheduling problem. Annals OR 159(1): 333-353 (2008)
12EEMario Vanhoucke, José Coelho, Dieter Debels, Broos Maenhout, Luís Valadares Tavares: An evaluation of the adequacy of project network generators with systematically sampled networks. European Journal of Operational Research 187(2): 511-524 (2008)
11EEBroos Maenhout, Mario Vanhoucke: An electromagnetic meta-heuristic for the nurse scheduling problem. J. Heuristics 13(4): 359-385 (2007)
10EEBroos Maenhout, Mario Vanhoucke: New Computational Results for the Nurse Scheduling Problem: A Scatter Search Algorithm. EvoCOP 2006: 159-170
9EEMario Vanhoucke: An Efficient Hybrid Search Algorithm for Various Optimization Problems. EvoCOP 2006: 272-283
8EEMario Vanhoucke: Scheduling an R&D Project with Quality-Dependent Time Slots. ICCSA (3) 2006: 621-630
7EEDieter Debels, Bert De Reyck, Roel Leus, Mario Vanhoucke: A hybrid scatter search/electromagnetism meta-heuristic for project scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research 169(2): 638-653 (2006)
6EEDieter Debels, Mario Vanhoucke: The Electromagnetism Meta-heuristic Applied to the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. Artificial Evolution 2005: 259-270
5EEDieter Debels, Mario Vanhoucke: A Bi-population Based Genetic Algorithm for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. ICCSA (4) 2005: 378-387
4EEMario Vanhoucke: New computational results for the discrete time/cost trade-off problem with time-switch constraints. European Journal of Operational Research 165(2): 359-374 (2005)
3EEMario Vanhoucke, Erik Demeulemeester, Willy Herroelen: Progress payments in project scheduling problems. European Journal of Operational Research 148(3): 604-620 (2003)
2 Erik Demeulemeester, Mario Vanhoucke, Willy Herroelen: RanGen: A Random Network Generator for Activity-on-the-Node Networks. J. Scheduling 6(1): 17-38 (2003)
1EEMario Vanhoucke, Erik Demeulemeester, Willy Herroelen: An Exact Procedure for the Resource-Constrained Weighted Earliness-Tardiness Project Scheduling Problem. Annals OR 102(1-4): 179-196 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1José Coelho [12]
2Dieter Debels [5] [6] [7] [12]
3Erik Demeulemeester [1] [2] [3]
4Willy Herroelen [1] [2] [3]
5Roel Leus [7]
6Broos Maenhout [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
7Vincent Van Peteghem [15]
8Bert De Reyck [7]
9Luís Valadares Tavares [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)