
Luís Valadares Tavares

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6EEMario Vanhoucke, José Coelho, Dieter Debels, Broos Maenhout, Luís Valadares Tavares: An evaluation of the adequacy of project network generators with systematically sampled networks. European Journal of Operational Research 187(2): 511-524 (2008)
5EELuís Valadares Tavares, Paulo Silva: An electronic social network to market topics of public interest: Net@INA. DG.O 2006: 458-459
4 Manuel João Pereira, Luís Valadares Tavares, Raquel Soares: Sustainable Development and Investment in Information Technologies: A Socio-Economic Analysis. ICEIS (3) 2005: 81-88
3 João L. Monteiro, Paula M. C. Swatman, Luís Valadares Tavares: Towards The Knowledge Society: eCommerce, eBusiness, and eGovernment, The Second IFIP Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business, E-Government (I3E 2002), October 7-9, 2002, Lisbon, Portugal Kluwer 2002
2 Luís Valadares Tavares, Manuel João Pereira, J. S. Coelho: A Multidimensional Dynamic Regulation Model for E-Marketplaces: DYNEX. I3E 2002: 67-81
1EEManuel João Pereira, Luís Valadares Tavares: Linking the European monetary union and the information systems strategy of financial institutions: a research approach to understand the changeover. ICIS 1998: 302-307

Coauthor Index

1J. S. Coelho [2]
2José Coelho [6]
3Dieter Debels [6]
4Broos Maenhout [6]
5João L. Monteiro [3]
6Manuel João Pereira [1] [2] [4]
7Paulo Silva [5]
8Raquel Soares [4]
9Paula M. C. Swatman [3]
10Mario Vanhoucke [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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