
Hernán Astudillo

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21EEVíctor Codocedo, Hernán Astudillo: No mining, no meaning: relating documents across repositories with ontology-driven information extraction. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2008: 110-118
20EERené Noël, Gonzalo Valdes, Marcello Visconti, Hernán Astudillo: Adding planned design to xp might help novices' productivity (or might not): two controlled experiments. ESEM 2008: 285-287
19EEClaudia López, Hernán Astudillo, Luiz Marcio Cysneiros: Semantic-Aided Interactive Identification of Reusable NFR Knowledge Fragments. OTM Workshops 2008: 324-333
18EERené Noël, Gonzalo Valdes, Marcello Visconti, Hernán Astudillo: Deconstructing Agile Processes: Would Planned Design Be Helpful in XP Projects? SCCC 2008: 42-51
17EECarlos Becerra Castro, Hernán Astudillo: Weak Constraint Programming to Identify Alternative Composite COTS-Based Software Systems from Imperfect Information. SCCC 2008: 62-69
16EEMauricio Concha, Marcello Visconti, Hernán Astudillo: Agile Commitments: Enhancing Business Risk Management in Agile Development Projects. XP 2007: 149-152
15EEHernán Astudillo, Javier Pereira, Claudia López: Identifying "Interesting" Component Assemblies for NFRs Using Imperfect Information. EWSA 2006: 204-211
14EEJuan Llorens Morillo, José Miguel Fuentes, Rubén Prieto-Díaz, Hernán Astudillo: Incremental Software Reuse. ICSR 2006: 386-389
13EEClaudia López, Hernán Astudillo: Multidimensional Catalogs for Systematic Exploration of Component-Based Design Spaces. IFIP Workshop on Advanced Software Engineering 2006: 32-46
12EEHernán Astudillo, Javier Pereira, Claudia López: Evaluating Alternative COTS Assemblies from Imperfect Component Information. QoSA 2006: 27-42
11EEAnabel Fraga, Sonia Sanchéz-Cuadrado, Juan Lloréns, Hernán Astudillo: Knowledge Representation for Software Architecture Domain by Manual and Automatic Methodologies. CLEI Electron. J. 9(1): (2006)
10EEClaudia López, Hernán Astudillo: Explicit Architectural Policies to Satisfy NFRs Using COTS. MoDELS Satellite Events 2005: 227-236
9EEHernán Astudillo, Gonzalo Génova, Michal Smialek, Juan Llorens Morillo, Pierre Metz, Rubén Prieto-Díaz: Use Cases in Model-Driven Software Engineering. MoDELS Satellite Events 2005: 272-279
8EEMario Piattini, Coral Calero, Hernán Astudillo: Classifying Software Architecture Quality Research. WICSA 2005: 195-196
7EEGonzalo Génova, Juan Llorens Morillo, Pierre Metz, Rubén Prieto-Díaz, Hernán Astudillo: Open Issues in Industrial Use Case Modeling. Journal of Object Technology 4(6): 7-14 (2005)
6EEPhilippe Lahire, Gabriela Arévalo, Hernán Astudillo, Andrew P. Black, Erik Ernst, Marianne Huchard, T. Oplustil, Markku Sakkinen, Petko Valtchev: MASPEGHI 2004 Mechnisms for Specialization, Generalization and Inheritance. ECOOP Workshops 2004: 101-117
5EEGonzalo Génova, Juan Llorens Morillo, Pierre Metz, Rubén Prieto-Díaz, Hernán Astudillo: Open Issues in Industrial Use Case Modeling. UML Satellite Activities 2004: 52-61
4EEMarianne Huchard, Hernán Astudillo, Petko Valtchev: MAnaging SPEcialization/Generalization HIerarchies. OOIS Workshops 2002: 1-2
3EEJuan Lloréns, Hernán Astudillo: Automatic Generation of Hierarchical Taxonomies from Free Text Using Linguistic Algorithms. OOIS Workshops 2002: 74-83
2 Hernán Astudillo: Maximizing Object Reuse with a Biological Metaphor. TAPOS 3(4): 235-251 (1997)
1 Hernán Astudillo: Reorganizing Split Objects. OOPSLA 1996: 138-149

Coauthor Index

1Gabriela Arévalo [6]
2Andrew P. Black [6]
3Coral Calero (Coral Calero Muñoz) [8]
4Carlos Becerra Castro [17]
5Víctor Codocedo [21]
6Mauricio Concha [16]
7Luiz Marcio Cysneiros (Luiz Márcio Cysneiros Filho) [19]
8Erik Ernst [6]
9Anabel Fraga (Anabel Fraga Vázquez) [11]
10José Miguel Fuentes [14]
11Gonzalo Génova [5] [7] [9]
12Marianne Huchard [4] [6]
13Philippe Lahire [6]
14Claudia López [10] [12] [13] [15] [19]
15Pierre Metz [5] [7] [9]
16Juan Llorens Morillo (Juan Lloréns) [3] [5] [7] [9] [11] [14]
17René Noël [18] [20]
18T. Oplustil [6]
19Javier Pereira [12] [15]
20Mario Piattini [8]
21Rubén Prieto-Díaz (Rubén Prieto Díaz) [5] [7] [9] [14]
22Markku Sakkinen [6]
23Sonia Sanchéz-Cuadrado [11]
24Michal Smialek [9]
25Gonzalo Valdes [18] [20]
26Petko Valtchev [4] [6]
27Marcello Visconti [16] [18] [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)