
Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón

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20EEJosé A. Ramírez-Ruiz, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón, Hugo Terashima-Marín: A new approach to fuzzy LCSs in two-dimensional continuous multistep environment with continuous vector actions. GECCO 2008: 1433-1434
19EEHugo Terashima-Marín, José C. Ortiz-Bayliss, Peter Ross, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: Hyper-heuristics for the dynamic variable ordering in constraint satisfaction problems. GECCO 2008: 571-578
18EEHugo Terashima-Marín, José C. Ortiz-Bayliss, Peter Ross, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: Using Hyper-heuristics for the Dynamic Variable Ordering in Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems. MICAI 2008: 407-417
17EEJosé A. Ramírez-Ruiz, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón, Hugo Terashima-Marín: QFCS: A Fuzzy LCS in Continuous Multi-step Environments with Continuous Vector Actions. PPSN 2008: 286-295
16 Horacio Martinez-Alfaro, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: Using Simulated Annealing with a Neighborhood Heuristic for Roll Cutting Optimization. CSC 2007: 252-258
15EECarlos D. Toledo-Suárez, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón, Hugo Terashima-Marín, Eduardo Uresti-Charre: On the relativity in the assessment of blind optimization algorithms and the problem-algorithm coevolution. GECCO 2007: 1436-1443
14EEHugo Terashima-Marín, Cláudia J. Farías Zárate, Peter Ross, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: Comparing two models to generate hyper-heuristics for the 2d-regular bin-packing problem. GECCO 2007: 2182-2189
13EEHugo Terashima-Marín, Cláudia J. Farías Zárate, Peter Ross, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: A GA-based method to produce generalized hyper-heuristics for the 2D-regular cutting stock problem. GECCO 2006: 591-598
12EEHugo Terashima-Marín, Cláudia J. Farías Zárate, Peter Ross, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: Two-Phase GA-Based Model to Learn Generalized Hyper-heuristics for the 2D-Cutting Stock Problem. IBERAMIA-SBIA 2006: 198-207
11EEHugo Terashima-Marín, Juan Manuel Tavernier-Deloya, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: Scheduling Transportation Events with Grouping Genetic Algorithms and the Heuristic DJD. MICAI 2005: 185-194
10EEManuel Valenzuela-Rendón, Horacio Martinez-Alfaro, Hugo Terashima-Marín: A Deterministic Alternative to Competent Genetic Algorithms That Solves to Optimality Linearly Decomposable Non-overlapping Problems in Polynomial Time. MICAI 2005: 692-701
9EERamón Alfonso Palacios-Durazo, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: Similarities Between Co-evolution and Learning Classifier Systems and Their Applications. GECCO (1) 2004: 561-572
8EEHoracio Martinez-Alfaro, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: Using Simulated Annealing for Paper Cutting Optimization. MICAI 2004: 11-20
7EEManuel Valenzuela-Rendón: The Virtual Gene Genetic Algorithm. GECCO 2003: 1457-1468
6EERamón Alfonso Palacios-Durazo, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: An Incremental and Non-generational Coevolutionary Algorithm. GECCO 2003: 371-372
5 Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón, Eduardo Uresti-Charre: A Non-Generational Genetic Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization. ICGA 1997: 658-665
4 Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: The Fuzzy Classifier System: A Classifier System for Continuously Varying Variables. ICGA 1991: 346-353
3 Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: The Fuzzy Classifier System: Motivations and first Results. PPSN 1990: 338-342
2 Robert E. Smith, Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: A Study of Rule Set Development in a Learning Classifier System. ICGA 1989: 340-346
1 Manuel Valenzuela-Rendón: Boolean Analysis of Classifier Sets. ICGA 1989: 351-359

Coauthor Index

1Horacio Martinez-Alfaro [8] [10] [16]
2José C. Ortiz-Bayliss [18] [19]
3Ramón Alfonso Palacios-Durazo [6] [9]
4José A. Ramírez-Ruiz [17] [20]
5Peter Ross [12] [13] [14] [18] [19]
6Robert Elliott Smith (Robert E. Smith) [2]
7Juan Manuel Tavernier-Deloya [11]
8Hugo Terashima-Marín [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20]
9Carlos D. Toledo-Suárez [15]
10Eduardo Uresti-Charre [5] [15]
11Cláudia J. Farías Zárate [12] [13] [14]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)