
Ilkay Ulusoy

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12EEErdem Akagunduz, Ilkay Ulusoy: Extraction of 3D Transform and Scale Invariant Patches from Range Scans. CVPR 2007
11EEErdem Akagunduz, Ilkay Ulusoy: 3D Object Representation Using Transform and Scale Invariant 3D Features. ICCV 2007: 1-8
10EEIlkay Ulusoy, Edwin R. Hancock: A statistical approach to sparse multi-scale phase-based stereo. Pattern Recognition 40(9): 2504-2520 (2007)
9EEIlkay Ulusoy, Christopher M. Bishop: Comparison of Generative and Discriminative Techniques for Object Detection and Classification. Toward Category-Level Object Recognition 2006: 173-195
8EEIlkay Ulusoy, Christopher M. Bishop: Generative versus Discriminative Methods for Object Recognition. CVPR (2) 2005: 258-265
7EEMark Everingham, Andrew Zisserman, Christopher K. I. Williams, Luc J. Van Gool, Moray Allan, Christopher M. Bishop, Olivier Chapelle, Navneet Dalal, Thomas Deselaers, Gyuri Dorkó, Stefan Duffner, Jan Eichhorn, Jason D. R. Farquhar, Mario Fritz, Christophe Garcia, Tom Griffiths, Frédéric Jurie, Daniel Keysers, Markus Koskela, Jorma Laaksonen, Diane Larlus, Bastian Leibe, Hongying Meng, Hermann Ney, Bernt Schiele, Cordelia Schmid, Edgar Seemann, John Shawe-Taylor, Amos J. Storkey, Sándor Szedmák, Bill Triggs, Ilkay Ulusoy, Ville Viitaniemi, Jianguo Zhang: The 2005 PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge. MLCW 2005: 117-176
6EEIlkay Ulusoy: A Generative Model for Multi Class Object Recognition and Detection. TAINN 2005: 32-40
5EEChristopher M. Bishop, Ilkay Ulusoy: Object Recognition via Local Patch Labelling. Deterministic and Statistical Methods in Machine Learning 2004: 1-21
4EEIlkay Ulusoy, Ugur Halici, Edwin R. Hancock: Probabilistic Phase Based Sparse Stereo. ICPR (4) 2004: 84-87
3EEIlkay Ulusoy, Ugur Halici, Kemal Leblebicioglu: 3D Cognitive Map Construction by Active Stereo Vision in a Virtual World. ISCIS 2004: 400-409
2EEIlkay Ulusoy, Ugur Halici, Erhan Nalçaci, Ilker Anaç, Kemal Leblebicioglu, Canan Basar-Ero: Time-frequency analysis of visual evoked potentials for interhemispheric transfer time and proportion in callosal fibers of different diameters. Biological Cybernetics 90(4): 291-301 (2004)
1EEIlkay Ulusoy, Edwin R. Hancock, Ugur Halici: Disparity Using Feature Points in Multi Scale. SSPR/SPR 2002: 320-328

Coauthor Index

1Erdem Akagunduz [11] [12]
2Moray Allan [7]
3Ilker Anaç [2]
4Canan Basar-Ero [2]
5Christopher M. Bishop [5] [7] [8] [9]
6Olivier Chapelle [7]
7Navneet Dalal [7]
8Thomas Deselaers [7]
9Gyuri Dorkó [7]
10Stefan Duffner [7]
11Jan Eichhorn [7]
12Mark Everingham [7]
13Jason D. R. Farquhar [7]
14Mario Fritz [7]
15Christophe Garcia [7]
16Luc J. Van Gool [7]
17Tom Griffiths [7]
18Ugur Halici [1] [2] [3] [4]
19Edwin R. Hancock [1] [4] [10]
20Frédéric Jurie [7]
21Daniel Keysers [7]
22Markus Koskela [7]
23Jorma Laaksonen [7]
24Diane Larlus [7]
25Kemal Leblebicioglu [2] [3]
26Bastian Leibe [7]
27Hongying Meng [7]
28Erhan Nalçaci [2]
29Hermann Ney [7]
30Bernt Schiele [7]
31Cordelia Schmid [7]
32Edgar Seemann [7]
33John Shawe-Taylor [7]
34Amos J. Storkey [7]
35Sándor Szedmák [7]
36Bill Triggs [7]
37Ville Viitaniemi [7]
38Christopher K. I. Williams [7]
39Jianguo Zhang [7]
40Andrew Zisserman [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)