
Abhiram G. Ranade

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32EEDevdatta Gangal, Abhiram G. Ranade: Precedence constrained scheduling in (2 - 7/(3p+1)) optimal. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 74(7): 1139-1146 (2008)
31EEViswanath Nagarajan, Abhiram G. Ranade: Exact train pathing. J. Scheduling 11(4): 279-297 (2008)
30EEAbhiram G. Ranade, Srikanth S. Mahabalarao, Satyen Kale: A variation on SVD based image compression. Image Vision Comput. 25(6): 771-777 (2007)
29EEAbhiram G. Ranade: Scheduling loosely connected task graphs. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 67(1): 198-208 (2003)
28EEAbhiram G. Ranade, Sonal Kothari, Raghavendra Udupa: Register Efficient Mergesorting. HiPC 2000: 96-103
27EEMayur Datar, Abhiram G. Ranade: Commuting with delay prone buses. SODA 2000: 22-29
26EEKamesh Munagala, Abhiram G. Ranade: I/O-Complexity of Graph Algorithms. SODA 1999: 687-694
25 Sandeep N. Bhatt, Gianfranco Bilardi, Kieran T. Herley, Geppino Pucci, Abhiram G. Ranade: Tight Bounds on Parallel List Marking. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 51(2): 75-88 (1998)
24 Abhiram G. Ranade: Bandwidth Efficient Parallel Computation. ICALP 1996: 4-23
23 Sandeep N. Bhatt, Gianfranco Bilardi, Geppino Pucci, Abhiram G. Ranade, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Eric J. Schwabe: On Bufferless Routing of Variable Length Messages in Leveled Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(6): 714-729 (1996)
22 Sandeep N. Bhatt, Gianfranco Bilardi, Kieran T. Herley, Geppino Pucci, Abhiram G. Ranade: Tight Bounds on Parallel List Marking. Euro-Par 1995: 231-242
21 Valerie E. Taylor, Abhiram G. Ranade, David G. Messerschmitt: SPAR: A New Architecture for Large Finite Element Computations. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(4): 531-545 (1995)
20 Abhiram G. Ranade, Saul Schleimer, Daniel Shawcross Wilkerson: Nearly Tight Bounds for Wormhole Routing FOCS 1994: 347-355
19 Frank Thomson Leighton, Bruce M. Maggs, Abhiram G. Ranade, Satish Rao: Randomized Routing and Sorting on Fixed-Connection Networks. J. Algorithms 17(1): 157-205 (1994)
18 Abhiram G. Ranade: Optimal Speedup for Backtrack Search on a Butterfly Network. Mathematical Systems Theory 27(1): 85-101 (1994)
17 Sandeep N. Bhatt, Gianfranco Bilardi, Geppino Pucci, Abhiram G. Ranade, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Eric J. Schwabe: On Bufferless Routing of Variable-length Message in Leveled Networks (Extended Abstract). ESA 1993: 49-60
16 David T. Blackston, Abhiram G. Ranade: SnakeSort: A Family of Simle Optimal Randomized Sorting Algorithms. ICPP 1993: 201-204
15EEM. T. Raghunath, Abhiram G. Ranade: Designing interconnection networks for multi-level packaging. SC 1993: 772-781
14 Bob Boothe, Abhiram G. Ranade: Performance on a Bandwidth Constrained Network: How much bandwidth do we need? SC 1993: 906-915
13 Sandeep N. Bhatt, Geppino Pucci, Abhiram G. Ranade, Arnold L. Rosenberg: Scattering and Gathering Messages in Networks of Processors. IEEE Trans. Computers 42(8): 938-949 (1993)
12 Abhiram G. Ranade: A Framework for Analyzing Locality and Portability Issues in Parallel Computing. Heinz Nixdorf Symposium 1992: 185-194
11 Bob Boothe, Abhiram G. Ranade: Improved Multithreading Techniques for Hiding Communication Latency in Multiprocessors. ISCA 1992: 214-223
10EEAbhiram G. Ranade: Maintaining Dynamic Ordered Sets on Processor Networks. SPAA 1992: 127-137
9 Frank Thomson Leighton, Mark Newman, Abhiram G. Ranade, Eric J. Schwabe: Dynamic Tree Embeddings in Butterflies and Hypercubes. SIAM J. Comput. 21(4): 639-654 (1992)
8EEValerie E. Taylor, Abhiram G. Ranade, David G. Messerschmitt: Three-dimensional finite-element analyses: implications for computer architectures. SC 1991: 786-795
7EEAbhiram G. Ranade: Optimal Speedup for Backtrack Search on a butterfly Network. SPAA 1991: 40-48
6 Abhiram G. Ranade: How to Emulate Shared Memory. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 42(3): 307-326 (1991)
5EEM. T. Raghunath, Abhiram G. Ranade: A Simulation-Based Comparison of Interconnection Networks. SPDP 1990: 98-105
4EEFrank Thomson Leighton, Mark Newman, Abhiram G. Ranade, Eric J. Schwabe: Dynamic Tree Embeddings in Butterflies and Hypercubes. SPAA 1989: 224-234
3 Abhiram G. Ranade: How to emulate shared memory (Preliminary Version) FOCS 1987: 185-194
2 Abhiram G. Ranade, S. Lennart Johnsson: The Communication Efficiency fo Meshes, Boolean Cubes and Cube Connected Cycles for Wafer Scale Integraton. ICPP 1987: 479-482
1 Abhiram G. Ranade: Interconnection Networks And Parallel Memory Organizations For Array Processing. ICPP 1985: 41-47

Coauthor Index

1Sandeep N. Bhatt [13] [17] [22] [23] [25]
2Gianfranco Bilardi [17] [22] [23] [25]
3David T. Blackston [16]
4Bob Boothe [11] [14]
5Mayur Datar [27]
6Devdatta Gangal [32]
7Kieran T. Herley [22] [25]
8S. Lennart Johnsson [2]
9Satyen Kale [30]
10Sonal Kothari [28]
11Frank Thomson Leighton (Tom Leighton) [4] [9] [19]
12Bruce M. Maggs [19]
13Srikanth S. Mahabalarao [30]
14David G. Messerschmitt [8] [21]
15Kamesh Munagala [26]
16Viswanath Nagarajan [31]
17Mark Newman [4] [9]
18Geppino Pucci [13] [17] [22] [23] [25]
19M. T. Raghunath [5] [15]
20Satish Rao [19]
21Arnold L. Rosenberg [13] [17] [23]
22Saul Schleimer [20]
23Eric J. Schwabe [4] [9] [17] [23]
24Valerie E. Taylor [8] [21]
25Raghavendra Udupa [28]
26Daniel Shawcross Wilkerson [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)