
Evelyne Tzoukermann

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13 Anthony Davis, Philip Rennert, Robert Rubinoff, Tim Sibley, Evelyne Tzoukermann: Retrieving what's relevant in audio and video: statistics and linguistics in combination. RIAO 2004: 860-873
12EEHongyan Jing, Evelyne Tzoukermann: Information Retrieval Based on Context Distance and Morphology. SIGIR 1999: 90-96
11 Christian Jacquemin, Judith Klavans, Evelyne Tzoukermann: Expansion of Multi-Word Terms for Indexing and Retrieval Using Morphology and Syntax. ACL 1997: 24-31
10EEEvelyne Tzoukermann, Judith Klavans, Christian Jacquemin: Effective Use of Natural Language Processing Techniques for Automatic Conflation of Multi-Word Terms: The Role of Derivational Morphology, Part of Speech Tagging, and Shallow Parsing. SIGIR 1997: 148-155
9EEEvelyne Tzoukermann, Dragomir R. Radev: Use of Weighted Finite State Transducers in Part of Speech Tagging CoRR cmp-lg/9710001: (1997)
8EEEvelyne Tzoukermann, Dragomir R. Radev, William A. Gale: Tagging French Without Lexical Probabilities - Combining Linguistic Knowledge And Statistical Learning CoRR cmp-lg/9710002: (1997)
7EEJudith L. Klavans, Evelyne Tzoukermann: Combining corpus and machine-readable dictionary data for building bilingual lexicons. Machine Translation 10(3): 185-218 (1995)
6EEJudith Klavans, Evelyne Tzoukermann: Machine-Readable Dictionaries in Text-to-Speech Systems. COLING 1994: 971-975
5EEEvelyne Tzoukermann: Issues In Text-To-Speech For French. COLING 1994: 976-982
4EEEvelyne Tzoukermann: The Use of a Commercial Natural Language Interface in the ATIS Task. HLT 1991
3EEJudith Klavans, Evelyne Tzoukermann: The BICORD System: Combining Lexical Information from Bilingual Corpora and Machine Readable Dictionaries. COLING 1990: 174-179
2EEEvelyne Tzoukermann, Mark Liberman: A Finite-State Morphological Processor For Spanish. COLING 1990: 277-282
1 Roy J. Byrd, Evelyne Tzoukermann: Adapting an English Morphological Analyzer for French. ACL 1988: 1-6

Coauthor Index

1Roy J. Byrd [1]
2Anthony Davis [13]
3William A. Gale [8]
4Christian Jacquemin [10] [11]
5Hongyan Jing [12]
6Judith L. Klavans (Judith Klavans) [3] [6] [7] [10] [11]
7Mark Liberman [2]
8Dragomir R. Radev [8] [9]
9Philip Rennert [13]
10Robert Rubinoff [13]
11Tim Sibley [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)