
Florence Tyndiuk

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4EEMartin Hachet, Joachim Pouderoux, Florence Tyndiuk, Pascal Guitton: "Jump and refine" for rapid pointing on mobile phones. CHI 2007: 167-170
3EEFlorence Tyndiuk, Gwenola Thomas, V. Lespinet-Najib, Christophe Schlick: Cognitive comparison of 3D interaction in front of large vs. small displays. VRST 2005: 117-123
2EEFlorence Tyndiuk, V. Lespinet-Najib, Gwenola Thomas, Christophe Schlick: Impact of large displays on virtual reality task performance. Afrigraph 2004: 61-65
1EEMartin Hachet, Pascal Guitton, Patrick Reuter, Florence Tyndiuk: The CAT for efficient 2D and 3D interaction as an alternative to mouse adaptations. ACM Trans. Graph. 23(3): 731 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Pascal Guitton [1] [4]
2Martin Hachet [1] [4]
3V. Lespinet-Najib [2] [3]
4Joachim Pouderoux [4]
5Patrick Reuter [1]
6Christophe Schlick [2] [3]
7Gwenola Thomas [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)