
Omer Tsimhoni

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11EEChachrist Srisuwanrat, Photios G. Ioannou, Omer Tsimhoni: Simulation and optimization for construction repetitive projects using promodel and simrunner. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 2402-2412
10EEMarcial Lapp, Shervin AhmadBeygi, Amy Cohn, Omer Tsimhoni: A recursion-based approach to simulating airline schedule robustness. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 2661-2667
9EEJared Davis, Barbara Fordyce, James Cicala, Matthew Cooper, Omer Tsimhoni: Who's your Tiger? Using simulation to optimize the lineup of the Detroit Tigers offense. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 2835-2843
8EEChangxu Wu, Omer Tsimhoni, Yili Liu: Development of an Adaptive Workload Management System Using the Queueing Network-Model Human Processor (QN-MHP). IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9(3): 463-475 (2008)
7EERita Awwad, Amir Behzadan, Omer Tsimhoni: Comparative analysis of process interaction and activity scanning approaches in simulation of construction operations. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 2304
6EEYili Liu, Robert Feyen, Omer Tsimhoni: Queueing Network-Model Human Processor (QN-MHP): A computational architecture for multitask performance in human-machine systems. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 13(1): 37-70 (2006)
5EEBenjamin Dubiel, Omer Tsimhoni: Integrating agent based modeling into a discrete event simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 1029-1037
4EEDavid B. Roggenkamp, Dave Park, Omer Tsimhoni: A simulation model for facilitators of Tony Rizzo's bead game. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 2322-2328
3EEOmer Tsimhoni, Changxu Wu: Learning simulation through team projects. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 2613-2618
2EESara A. Curin, Jeremy S. Vosko, Eric W. Chan, Omer Tsimhoni: Reducing service time at a busy fast food restaurant on campus. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 2628-2635
1EEJennifer Lai, Karen Cheng, Paul Green, Omer Tsimhoni: On the road and on the Web?: comprehension of synthetic and human speech while driving. CHI 2001: 206-212

Coauthor Index

1Shervin AhmadBeygi [10]
2Rita Awwad [7]
3Amir Behzadan [7]
4Eric W. Chan [2]
5Karen Cheng [1]
6James Cicala [9]
7Amy Cohn [10]
8Matthew Cooper [9]
9Sara A. Curin [2]
10Jared Davis [9]
11Benjamin Dubiel [5]
12Robert Feyen [6]
13Barbara Fordyce [9]
14Paul Green [1]
15Photios G. Ioannou [11]
16Jennifer Lai [1]
17Marcial Lapp [10]
18Yili Liu [6] [8]
19Dave Park [4]
20David B. Roggenkamp [4]
21Chachrist Srisuwanrat [11]
22Jeremy S. Vosko [2]
23Changxu Wu [3] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)