
Amy Cohn

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4EEShervin AhmadBeygi, Amy Cohn, Marshall Weir: An integer programming approach to generating airline crew pairings. Computers & OR 36(4): 1284-1298 (2009)
3EEMarcial Lapp, Shervin AhmadBeygi, Amy Cohn, Omer Tsimhoni: A recursion-based approach to simulating airline schedule robustness. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 2661-2667
2EEAmy Cohn, Melinda Davey, Lisa Schkade, Amanda Siegel, Caris Wong: Network design and flow problems with cross-arc costs. European Journal of Operational Research 189(3): 890-901 (2008)
1EEAda Barlatt, Amy Cohn, Oleg Yu. Gusikhin: A hybridization of Mathematical Programming and search techniques for integrated operation and workforce planning. SMC 2007: 632-637

Coauthor Index

1Shervin AhmadBeygi [3] [4]
2Ada Barlatt [1]
3Melinda Davey [2]
4Oleg Yu. Gusikhin [1]
5Marcial Lapp [3]
6Lisa Schkade [2]
7Amanda Siegel [2]
8Omer Tsimhoni [3]
9Marshall Weir [4]
10Caris Wong [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)