
Shi-Chun Tsai

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29EEMin-Zheng Shieh, Shi-Chun Tsai: Decoding Frequency Permutation Arrays under Infinite norm CoRR abs/0901.1971: (2009)
28EEChi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu: On the Complexity of Hardness Amplification. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(10): 4575-4586 (2008)
27EETe-Tsung Lin, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu: Simple Distance-Preserving Mappings From Ternary Vectors to Permutations. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(7): 3251-3256 (2008)
26EEMin-Zheng Shieh, Shi-Chun Tsai: Jug measuring: Algorithms and complexity. Theor. Comput. Sci. 396(1-3): 50-62 (2008)
25EEChi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu: Impossibility Results on Weakly Black-Box Hardness Amplification. FCT 2007: 400-411
24EEChi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu: On the Complexity of Hard-Core Set Constructions. ICALP 2007: 183-194
23EEYing-Jie Liao, Min-Zheng Shieh, Shi-Chun Tsai: Arranging Numbers on Circles to Reach Maximum Total Variations. Electr. J. Comb. 14(1): (2007)
22EEChi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu: Improved hardness amplification in NP. Theor. Comput. Sci. 370(1-3): 293-298 (2007)
21EEMing Yu Hsieh, Shi-Chun Tsai: On the fairness and complexity of generalized k-in-a-row games. Theor. Comput. Sci. 385(1-3): 88-100 (2007)
20EEChia-Jung Lee, Chi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai: Deterministic Extractors for Independent-Symbol Sources. ICALP (1) 2006: 84-95
19EEYen-Ying Huang, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu: On the Construction of Permutation Arrays via Mappings from Binary Vectors to Permutations. Des. Codes Cryptography 40(2): 139-155 (2006)
18EEChi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu: On the Complexity of Hardness Amplification. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2005: 170-182
17EEChia-Jung Lee, Chi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, Wen-Guey Tzeng: Extracting randomness from multiple independent sources. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(6): 2224-2227 (2005)
16EEShi-Chun Tsai, Wen-Guey Tzeng, Hsin-Lung Wu: On the Jensen-Shannon Divergence and Variational Distance. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(9): 3333-3336 (2005)
15EEChingren Lee, Jenq Kuen Lee, TingTing Hwang, Shi-Chun Tsai: Compiler optimization on VLIW instruction scheduling for low power. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 8(2): 252-268 (2003)
14 Jen-Chun Chang, Rong-Jaye Chen, Torleiv Kløve, Shi-Chun Tsai: Distance-preserving mappings from binary vectors to permutations. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(4): 1054-1059 (2003)
13EEChang-Chun Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai: A note on unscrambling address lines. Inf. Process. Lett. 85(4): 185-189 (2003)
12EEShi-Chun Tsai: A Depth 3 Circuit Lower Bound for the Parity Function. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 17(5): 857-860 (2001)
11EEChi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai: A Note on Iterating an alpha-ary Gray Code. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 14(2): 237-239 (2001)
10 Ding-Yi Chen, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Shi-Chun Tsai: JGAP: a Java-based graph algorithms platform. Softw., Pract. Exper. 31(7): 615-635 (2001)
9EEChingren Lee, Jenq Kuen Lee, TingTing Hwang, Shi-Chun Tsai: Compiler Optimization on Instruction Scheduling for Low Power. ISSS 2000: 55-61
8EEKatalin Friedl, Shi-Chun Tsai: Two Results on the Bit Extraction Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 99(1-3): 443-454 (2000)
7EEKeh-Ning Chang, Shi-Chun Tsai: Exact solution of a minimal recurrence. Inf. Process. Lett. 75(1-2): 61-64 (2000)
6EEJanos Simon, Shi-Chun Tsai: On the bottleneck counting argument. Theor. Comput. Sci. 237(1-2): 429-437 (2000)
5EEJanos Simon, Shi-Chun Tsai: A Note on the Bottleneck Counting Argument. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 1997: 297-301
4EEKatalin Friedl, Shi-Chun Tsai: Recycling Random Bits in Parallel. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 8(1): 85-94 (1996)
3EEShi-Chun Tsai: Lower Bounds on Representing Boolean Functions as Polynomials in zm. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 9(1): 55-62 (1996)
2EEKatalin Friedl, Shi-Chun Tsai: Recycling random bits in parallel. HICSS (2) 1995: 14-19
1 Shi-Chun Tsai: Lower Bounds on Representing Boolean Functions as Polynomials in Zm. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1993: 96-101

Coauthor Index

1Jen-Chun Chang [14]
2Keh-Ning Chang [7]
3Ding-Yi Chen [10]
4Rong-Jaye Chen [14]
5Tyng-Ruey Chuang [10]
6Katalin Friedl [2] [4] [8]
7Ming Yu Hsieh [21]
8Yen-Ying Huang [19]
9TingTing Hwang [9] [15]
10Torleiv Kløve [14]
11Chia-Jung Lee [17] [20]
12Chingren Lee [9] [15]
13Jenq Kuen Lee [9] [15]
14Ying-Jie Liao [23]
15Te-Tsung Lin [27]
16Chang-Chun Lu [13]
17Chi-Jen Lu [11] [17] [18] [20] [22] [24] [25] [28]
18Min-Zheng Shieh [23] [26] [29]
19Janos Simon [5] [6]
20Wen-Guey Tzeng [16] [17]
21Hsin-Lung Wu [16] [18] [19] [22] [24] [25] [27] [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)